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单词 chrome
释义  chrome /krəʊm $ kroʊm/ noun [uncountable]  HCMa type of hard shiny metal 铬合金 a chrome candleholder 铬合金蜡烛架 →4  See picture of 见图 MATERIALExamples from the Corpuschrome• His dreams that night, as he would remember them, were situated inside a chrome computer.• It was shiny black with red enamel trim and a gleaming chrome blade.• He comes alongside the gleaming chrome and asks her about the tulips.• Isobel ran from one to another, touching the gleaming coachwork, the glittering chrome.• When the buzzer went on his new chrome and ash desk, he jumped.• Water patterns bounce off polished chrome, the fibreglass shell is honed to a waxy sheen of pearl.• The front grille and the chrome hub caps gleamed, because he polished them every evening with a soft chamois cloth.• Use the type with elements installed in glass, and avoid the chrome trimmed heaters.• a car with chrome bumpersOrigin chrome (1800-1900) French Greek chroma ( → CHROMATIC); because of the green, red, and yellow colors of chromium compoundschrome nounChinese  a metal hard shiny of type Corpus




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