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单词 Christendom
释义  Related topics: ChristianityChris·ten·dom /ˈkrɪsəndəm/ noun [uncountable] formal  RRCall the Christian people or countries in the world 基督教世界;〔全世界的〕基督徒;基督教国家Examples from the CorpusChristendom• Say this is the most toweringly revolting house in all Christendom.• It is not only Catholic Christendom which has been guilty of seeking to domesticate the Holy Spirit in this way.• Are New Agers just simply home-grown nature-lovers, or are they one of the greatest dangers to confront Christendom?• It is a magnificent building which has been described as the greatest church in Christendom.• St. Peter's Basilica, the largest church in Christendom• Was I not perhaps the greatest fool in Christendom?• The clause among the Fourth Lateran Council decrees that proposed regulated taxes for the churches and provinces of Christendom suggests as much.• Its initial presentation indirectly reflected the growing polarities within Christendom.• His presence and influence there made him a figure in world Christendom.Origin Christendom Old English cristendom, from cristen; → CHRISTENChris·ten·dom nounChineseSyllable  countries Christian in Corpus the or all people




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