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单词 chip
释义  Related topics: Food, dish, Gambling, Sport, Computerschip1 /tʃɪp/ ●●● S2 W3 noun [countable]  1  food 食物 [usually plural] a) British EnglishDFF a long thin piece of potato cooked in oil 炸马铃薯[土豆]条 SYN American English French fry fish and chips 炸鱼和炸薯条 a bag of chips 一袋炸薯条 b) American EnglishDFF a thin flat round piece of food such as potato cooked in very hot oil and eaten cold 炸薯[土豆]片 SYN British English crisp a bag of potato chips 一袋炸薯片2  computer 计算机 a small piece of silicon that has a set of complicated electrical connections on it and is used to store and process information in computers 微型集成电路片,芯片,晶片 the age of the silicon chip 芯片时代 chip technology 芯片技术3  piece 片,块PIECE a small piece of wood, stone, metal etc that has been broken off something 〔木、石、金属等的〕碎片,碎屑 Wood chips covered the floor of the workshop. 工场的地板上满是木屑。 a chocolate chip cookie (=one that contains small pieces of chocolate) 碎粒巧克力饼干4  mark 痕迹MARK a small hole or mark on a plate, cup etc where a piece has broken off 〔物品碰损后留下的〕豁口,缺口chip in There’s a chip in this bowl. 这只碗有个缺口。5. have a chip on your shoulder UNFAIRto easily become offended or angry because you think you have been treated unfairly in the past 〔因受过委屈而〕好争吵,好生气;记恨6  when the chips are down spokenSERIOUS SITUATION in a serious or difficult situation, especially one in which you realize what is really true or important 在重要关头,在紧急时刻 When the chips are down, you’ve only got yourself to depend on. 到了紧急关头就只有靠自己了。7. be a chip off the old block informalLIKE/SIMILAR to be very similar to your mother or father in appearance or character 〔外貌或性格〕酷似父亲[母亲]8. game 游戏 [usually plural]DGG a small flat coloured piece of plastic used in games such as poker or blackjack to represent a particular amount of money 〔用于赌钱的〕筹码9. sport 体育运动 (also chip shot, chip kick)DS a hit in golf, or a kick in football or rugby, that makes the ball go high into the air for a short distance 〔高尔夫球的〕短切;〔足球或橄榄球的〕高球10. have had your chips British English informalSERIOUS SITUATION to be in a situation in which you no longer have any hope of improvement 失势;完蛋 → blue-chip, → cash in your chips at cash inExamples from the Corpuschip• chips and guacamole dip• Chips of plaster littered the floor of the lobby.• fish and chips• A large number of young men reported eating white bread, chips, meat pies and sweets regularly.• Her blue eyes narrowed to marble chips.• Ed instructed us how to approach our chips.• Inmos Transputers are unique because they combine a processor, communications links and memory on a single chip.• The process uses small chips of carbon to adsorb the gold dissolved in solution.• The company expects the early versions of the chip will go into low-end desktop computers primarily sold outside the United States.• Guiltless Gourmet Baked Not Fried tortilla chips.• After the decorators had left there were chips of plaster all over the lobby.• Wood chips covered the floor in the carpenter's and chips• The first-term legislator, owner of a fish and chips shop, was elected with no particular platform.• There was always fish and chips.• That's the best fish and chips I've ever had.• But fish and chips are, I would suggest, virtually impossible to sling.• We will send out for fish and chips.• The money from the kettle would buy him fish and chips, popcorn and a seat at the pictures.• They all trooped in, eating their fish and chips, and clustered around the bed.silicon chip• Complexity poured into the artificial medium of machines and silicon chips will only be in further flux.• Today computer networks and intricate silicon chips are grown too.• With modern technology many thousands of bistables can be formed on one silicon chip.• But nuclear power brought nuclear warheads, plastics brought pollution, and the silicon chip promises unemployment for some people.chip in• Oh, the plate has a chip in it.• We all chipped in to pay for the food and wine.• Electronics firm Compol chipped in with over $20,000.• When Mona retired, all her co-workers chipped in and bought her a lovely dinner service.Related topics: Sport, Cookingchip2 ●○○ verb (chipped, chipping)  1  accidentally break (STH) 不小心打碎(某物) [intransitive, transitive]BREAK if you chip something, or if it chips, a small piece of it breaks off accidentally 打破,弄缺 Gary fell and chipped one of his front teeth. 加里摔了一跤,磕掉一颗门牙。 He chipped a bone in his knee and was carried off the pitch. 他撞碎了膝盖骨,被抬出了场外。 These plates chip really easily. 这些盘子很容易磕破。chip off The paint had chipped off the gate. 门上的油漆剥落了。 →5 see picture at 见图 damage22  remove STH 移去某物 [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition] to remove something, especially something hard that is covering a surface, by hitting it with a tool so that small pieces break off 铲掉,凿下 Archaeologists were carefully chipping away at the rock. 考古学家正小心地在岩石上铲凿。 Chip out the plaster with a steel chisel. 用钢凿子铲掉那些灰泥。3  sport 体育运动 [transitive]DS to hit a golf ball or kick a football or a rugby ball so that it goes high into the air for a short distance 〔高尔夫球〕短切〔球〕;〔足球或橄榄球〕踢〔高球〕 United scored just before half-time when Adcock cleverly chipped the ball over the keeper. 就在上半场即将结束前,阿德科克巧妙地把球挑过守门员,为联队得了一分。4. potatoes 马铃薯 [transitive] British EnglishDFC to cut potatoes into thin pieces ready to be cooked in hot oil 把〔马铃薯〕切成小片[条]n5. microchip [transitive] British English to put a microchip in an animal, person, or thing to identify or give information about them6 chip away at something phrasal verb EFFECTIVEto gradually make something less effective or destroy it 〔逐步〕削弱;〔不断〕损害 Writers such as Voltaire and Diderot were chipping away at the foundations of society. 像伏尔泰和狄德罗这样的作家在一点一滴地动摇社会的根基。 Fears about the future chipped away at her sense of well-being. 对未来的担忧慢慢地淡化了她的幸福感。7 chip in phrasal verb a) INTERRUPTto interrupt a conversation by saying something that adds more detail 插嘴,插话 with Other committee members chipped in with suggestions. 委员会的其他成员插话提出建议。 ‘It won’t be easy, ’ Jeff chipped in. “这并不容易。”杰夫插进来说。 I’d just like to chip in, Bill, if I might. 比尔,如果可以的话我想插一句。b) GIVEif each person in a group chips in, they each give a small amount of money so that they can buy something together 共同出钱,凑钱 We all chipped in to buy Amy a graduation present. 我们一起凑份子给埃米买一件毕业礼物。chip in (with) something Fifty-two people in the music industry each chipped in $250 apiece. 音乐界有52人每人凑了250美元。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuschip• They bring a back over some times to chip a guy.• The ball hit him in the face and chipped a tooth.• He fell off his bike and chipped his front tooth.• He could chip his golf ball with precision and was an astute reader of tricky greens, especially on long putts.• In December he agreed that he would chip in the same amount.• Parents, pupils and staff all chipped in to help collect the cash for a new bus for Eastbourne school.• Last week the defence minister, Sabahattin Cakmakog, chipped in.• He chipped on calmly and got his par-4.• If you don't load the dishwasher right, it might chip some of the cups.• She tried to chip the ice off the windshield.chip off• When he dropped the skillet on the counter, a small piece chipped off the tile.From Longman Business Dictionarychipchip /tʃɪp/ noun1 (also silicon chip) [countable]COMPUTING a small electronic device, used in a computer to store information, organize the computer’s operating system, run programs etcSYN MICROCHIPEach chip can hold 100 times the information contained on a standard magnetic-stripe card.2FINANCE informal a share in a companyBrokers will start bidding for chips in the company as soon as the London market opens. → blue chip → red chip → see also bargaining chipOrigin chip1 Old English cipp, cyp “small piece of wood”, from Latin cippus “sharp post”chip1 nounchip2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  thin long a piece Business of Corpus potato




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