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单词 childminder
释义  Related topics: Occupationschild·min·der /ˈtʃaɪldˌmaɪndə $ -ər/ noun [countable] British English  BOLOOK AFTER somebodysomeone who is paid to look after young children while their parents are at work 〔孩子父母外出工作时〕受雇照看孩子的人 —childminding noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuschildminder• What was he supposed to be, a childminder?• If you opt for a childminder, you should: Visit the house several times with your child.• The potential saving compared to paying for a childminder can be considerable; more so for a nanny.• The cost of a childminder averages £90 a week, with a nursery place around £110.• Relatives remain the greatest source of carers for pre-school children; childminders account for 26 percent.• I asked my childminder to do what I do when Laura is naughty.• Will I be able to meet other childminders?• Will he at least allow them the cost of paying childminders?• Working to the future we hope to complete the mammoth registration task with childminders.child·min·der nounChineseSyllable  young who is to paid their look after Corpus someone while children




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