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单词 aide-de-camp
释义  Related topics: Militaryaide-de-camp /ˌeɪd də ˈkɑːmp/ noun (plural aides-de-camp (same pronunciation)) [countable]  PMa military officer whose job is to help an officer of a higher rank 副官,随从武官Examples from the Corpusaide-de-camp• His ancestors included two presidents and an aide-de-camp to independence hero Simon Boli var.• Four aides-de-camp were appointed and apartments in the Tuileries were set aside for bedroom, study and play room.• Beside him are his aides-de-camp and a Prussian General.• Edy Kapend, a Kabila aide-de-camp, and Gen.• In 1920, embarrassingly soon after becoming naval aide-de-camp to George V, Sinclair was divorced.• Instead, he was confronted by Howard's aide-de-camp Lieutenant Boyle, who sharply refuted the suggestion.• Smith's aide-de-camp, Jack Cunningham, is another electoral reformer.• His father was aide-de-camp to Prince Frederick, Duke of York.Origin aide-de-camp (1600-1700) French “camp helper”aide-de-camp nounChinese   Corpus an job a is whose help officer officer of military to




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