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单词 certainty
释义 Word family  noun certainty ≠ uncertainty adjective certain ≠ uncertain adverb certainly ≠ uncertainly  cer·tain·ty /ˈsɜːtnti $ ˈsɜːr-/ ●●○ noun (plural certainties)  1  [uncountable]SURE the state of being completely certain 确实,确定性with certainty She knew with absolute certainty that he’d say no. 她绝对肯定他会说不。 The result is impossible to predict with any degree of certainty. 这一结果完全无法确切预测。2  [uncountable] the fact that something is certain to happen 确实(性),确信,确知certainty of (doing) something the certainty of being caught 被抓的必然certainty that There’s no certainty that he’ll remember. 他不一定记得起来。3  [countable]CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY something that is definitely true or that will definitely happen 必然的事,确定的事 He usually does quite well, but it’s not a certainty. 通常他都做得相当好,但也并不一定。 The only certainty is that there will need to be major changes. 唯一能够确定的事就是需要重大的变革。Examples from the Corpuscertainty• Further job cutbacks are a certainty.• On the other hand, we can never possess such a certainty that some one loves us.• It is also wiser not to treat every offer as an 18-carat-gold certainty.• Patrick Gabriel had brought corruption, disturbing order, shaking the certainties that Quex needed.• The theological certainties he found in others intrigued, but never convinced Eyre.• This diagnosis can be established with certainty only by testing the cerebrospinal fluid.with certainty• No one can say with any certainty how much oil is there.certainty of (doing) something• A radar rolls lazily around, ominous in the continuous certainty of its task.• The search for certainty of this sort requires that one side of a dichotomy be privileged while its other is denigrated.• The middle-ground certainties of life are shifting.• Provided there is sufficient interest, tenders should also result in certainty of sale within a defined period.• Doubts are raised about the certainty of their own ideas.• He felt the certainty of it.• The standardization of textual requirements was an equally important contribution of the Hague Rules to the certainty of the ocean bill.• No detectable makeup clutters a face that can go steely with the certainty of design convictions.cer·tain·ty nounChineseSyllable  of being certain Corpus state the completely




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