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单词 centrist
释义 Word family  noun centre/center centralization ≠ decentralization centralism centrist adjective central centralized ≠ decentralized centred/centered centrist verb centre/center centralize ≠ decentralize adverb centrally  Related topics: Groupingscen·trist /ˈsentrɪst/ adjective  PPGhaving political beliefs that are not extreme 〔政治上的〕中间派的,温和派的 SYN moderate OPP extremist —centrist noun [countable]Examples from the Corpuscentrist• Dalits are no longer content simply to trade their support to a centrist party, but want to have power directly themselves.• The result increases the likelihood that this year's election will be a victory for centrist politics as usual.cen·trist adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus having political are not extreme that beliefs




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