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单词 censorious
释义  cen·so·ri·ous /senˈsɔːriəs/ adjective formal  CRITICIZEcriticizing and expressing disapproval 爱挑剔的,苛评的,吹毛求疵的 His tone was censorious. 他语气苛刻。 —censoriously adverb —censoriousness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuscensorious• If they fell below his standard he was disappointed, but not censorious.• The presentation of straying males is, then, much less censorious.• And exposing himself to that censorious and supercilious gaze?• Atalanta tries to blunt the censorious attitude, telling of her sacrifice, that she has given up so much.• You're just a pair of censorious bachelors!• She had a primly censorious mouth above a slightly receding chin already showing the first slackness of a dewlap.• Horowitz had been censorious of the peace movement in the 1960s.• Mary, often so censorious, was sweetened by drink.• But she was still only 23 and lived almost another 60 years, surviving into a more censorious world.cen·so·ri·ous adjectiveChineseSyllable  criticizing expressing Corpus and disapproval




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