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单词 cenotaph
释义  Related topics: Military, Deathcen·o·taph /ˈsenətɑːf $ -tæf/ noun [countable]  PMMXa monument built to remind people of soldiers, sailors etc who were killed in a war and are buried somewhere else 〔为葬于别处的阵亡将士立的〕纪念碑Examples from the Corpuscenotaph• Mallory's mythic status has been secured not only by his golden appearance, but also by his icy cenotaph.• If we do need cenotaphs, what should they be?• Of cenotaphs, he said they should freeze our hearts.• But around the cenotaph they gathered.• No, at a ceremony at the cenotaph he wore the wrong jacket!• And surely the cenotaph itself is as worthy a target as Churchill.Origin cenotaph (1600-1700) French cénotaphe, from Latin, from Greek kenotaphion, from kenos “empty” + taphos “tomb”cen·o·taph nounChineseSyllable  built people etc Corpus a sailors remind of to monument soldiers,




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