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单词 CBE
释义  Related topics: GovernmentCBE /ˌsiː biː ˈiː/ noun [countable]  PG (Commander of the British Empire) an honour given to some British people for things they have done for their country 大英帝国勋章Examples from the CorpusCBE• In 1983 he was awarded a CBE for his public services to art.• In 1920 he was appointed CBE for his direction of war material production at Doncaster works.• He was appointed CBE in 1952 and knighted in 1964.• He was appointed CBE in 1991, for services to literature, and was knighted in 2000.• Winchester was appointed CBE in 1962.CBE nounChinese  honour some to an given people Corpus British




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