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单词 cauldron
释义  Related topics: Utensilscaul·dron, caldron /ˈkɔːldrən $ ˈkɒːl-/ noun [countable]   DFUa large round metal pot for boiling liquids over a fire 〔煮液体用的〕大锅 a witch’s cauldron 女巫的大锅Examples from the Corpuscauldron• Nucleons are either protons or neutrons, locked together into a boiling cauldron that is the nucleus.• Negros is a boiling cauldron and the only way to stop it exploding is to turn down the flames.• He had his only son Pelops killed, boiled in a great cauldron, and served to the gods.• He was taking firewood and a large cauldron into the smithy that adjoined the cottage.• His second most prized possession was a magic cauldron that could never be emptied.• An under-cook was supervising the cleaning of the stove around the cauldron and the preparation of fresh ingredients to replace those lost.• The shrimp are protected from the cauldron, though, by seawater drawn up beside the rising plume.• And there was a witches' cauldron full of golden soup.Origin cauldron (1200-1300) Old North French cauderon, from caudiere “cauldron”, from Latin caldaria “warm”, from calidus “warm”caul·dron nounChineseSyllable  boiling large pot a Corpus over for a liquids round fire metal




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