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单词 catchphrase
释义  catch·phrase /ˈkætʃfreɪz/ noun [countable]  SAYINGa short well-known phrase made popular by an entertainer or politician, so that people think of that person when they hear it 〔因某演员或政治家首先使用,以后人们一听到就会想起此人的〕名言,时髦话,流行语Examples from the Corpuscatchphrase• It was a catchphrase for national shame now, applicable to virtually every snafu.• It's a shame because, to paraphrase Ginola's cringing catchphrase in the L'Oreal ads, she's worth it.• His catchphrases like'What a peach of a shot' and 'That's a dream of a pass' are now part of tennis language.• In the seventies, it seemed that a light entertainment show on television was not complete without a clutch of catchphrases.• The public soon learned to associate the catchphrase 'Ooh, you are awful' with the inimitable Dick Emery.• Perhaps heeding the catchphrase of his manager, Malcom Hardee, he failed to show.• The catchphrase, after all, is a fixture in an otherwise protean world of television comedy.catch·phrase nounChineseSyllable  phrase made by well-known short Corpus popular a




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