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单词 cash machine
释义  Related topics: Bankingˈcash maˌchine ●●○ noun [countable]  BFBa machine in or outside a bank, supermarket, or other public building, from which you can obtain money with a special plastic card 自动取款机,自动柜员机 SYN ATM →4  See picture of 见图 cash machineExamples from the Corpuscash machine• Half way through the next working day, Rainbow pauses at a cash machine.• Then, one of them went to a cash machine to try to get money from her account.• Then whenever you want to make your payment, just key in the amount at any Birmingham Midshires cash machine.• Even the bank's cash machine may get a face, or many, depending on the customer.From Longman Business Dictionarycash machineˈcash maˌchine (also cash dispenser especially British English)BANKING a machine used by customers of a bank to take money out of their accounts, using a special cardCustomers would not like having to pay a fee every time they used a cash machine. → machineˈcash maˌchine nounChineseSyllable  bank, machine Business or Corpus supermarket, in a a outside




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