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单词 carriage
释义  Related topics: Bicycles, carts, horses, Trains & railways, Transport, Technologycar·riage /ˈkærɪdʒ/ ●●○ noun  1. vehicle pulled by horse 马拉的车 [countable]TTB a vehicle with wheels that is pulled by a horse, used in the past 〔旧时的〕马车2. train 火车 [countable] British EnglishTTT one of the parts of a train where passengers sit 〔火车的〕客车厢 SYN American English car3  movement of goods 货物的运输 [uncountable]TT British English formal the act of moving goods from one place to another or the cost of moving them 运输;运输费 Canals were originally built for the carriage of coal. 运河原先是为运煤而修建的。 It costs £45.50 including carriage. 包括运费在内是45.50英镑。4  machine part 机器部件 [countable]T a moving part of a machine that supports or moves another part 〔机器的〕滑架,溜板,拖板 the carriage of a typewriter 打字机的滑架5  position of body 身体姿势 [uncountable] formalSTAND used when describing the position of someone’s body as they walk, stand, or sit 仪态,姿态,举止 her graceful carriage 她优雅的仪态6. for moving heavy objects 用于移动重物TT [countable] something with wheels that is used to move a heavy object, especially a gun 〔尤指〕炮架;〔有轮的〕托架 → baby carriageExamples from the Corpuscarriage• The passenger wagons were not going into town for another half hour, so I hired a carriage and went in myself.• Two women tore the nylons I was wearing - really good ones - another dragged a baby carriage across my ninety-dollar shoes.• They went into town in a borrowed carriage.• Mutual anger surmounts mutual embarrassment through the rest of the long dark carriage ride.• Two plastic rounded handles are screwed to each side of the motor carriage, and serve to control the plunge action.• Both lights on the other side of the carriage work, so I change seats.From Longman Business Dictionarycarriagecar‧riage /ˈkærɪdʒ/ noun [uncountable]1COMMERCETRANSPORTwhen goods are moved by vehicle from one place to anotherSYN FREIGHTThe receipts for carriage of timber have formed an important proportion of revenue.2the cost of moving goods from one place to anotherPrices exclude carriage and VAT.There is a carriage fee of £68.3carriage forward British English written abbreviation carr fwdTRANSPORT used to show that the carriage of a delivery of goods will be paid for by their buyerAll goods are sold carriage forward.4carriage free British EnglishTRANSPORT used to show that the seller will pay for the carriage of a delivery of goods5carriage inwards British EnglishACCOUNTING used on the debit side of a TRADING ACCOUNT to show payments for the carriage on goods bought by a business. This amount is included as part of the cost of buying the goods6carriage outwards British EnglishACCOUNTING used on the debit side of the profit and loss account to show payments for carriage on goods sold by a business. This amount is included in the sale price of the goods7carriage paid home British EnglishTRANSPORT used to show that the seller will pay the carriage on a delivery of goods as far as the address of the buyerOrigin carriage (1300-1400) Old North French cariage, from carier; → CARRY1car·riage nounChineseSyllable  wheels Corpus with Business by a pulled vehicle that is




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