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单词 carpenter
释义  Related topics: Occupations, Craftscar·pen·ter /ˈkɑːpəntə $ ˈkɑːrpəntər/ ●●○ noun [countable]   BOTICsomeone whose job is making and repairing wooden objects 木匠,木工Examples from the Corpuscarpenter• You're wasted as a carpenter, or whatever it is you like to call yourself.• He also brought a carpenter and some posts and rough planks, and built a fence to keep the wolves away.• Like a carpenter, we work to build your family the sturdiest, most reliable coverage possible.• It is tough to reform something that is shapeless and indifferent to improvement, like Jell-O in the hands of a carpenter.• My father was a carpenter and held a passionate but essentially utilitarian belief in education.• He was a carpenter earning about £120 a week.• Our carpenter is aboard the Angelina, building a cradle for the bomb according to the specifications the Pentagon gave us.• A solid carpenter is better, he seems more human, less institutional.From Longman Business Dictionarycarpentercar‧pen‧ter /ˈkɑːpəntəˈkɑːrpəntər/ noun [countable]JOBPROPERTY someone whose job is making and repairing wooden thingsOrigin carpenter (1100-1200) Old North French carpentier, from Latin carpentarius “carriage-maker”, from carpentum “carriage”car·pen·ter nounChineseSyllable  whose objects and job wooden is repairing making someone Business Corpus




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