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单词 careless
释义 Word family  noun care carer adjective careful ≠ careless caring ≠ uncaring verb care adverb carefully ≠ carelessly  care·less /ˈkeələs $ ˈker-/ ●●○ adjective  1  CARELESSnot paying enough attention to what you are doing, so that you make mistakes, damage things etc 不小心的,粗心的,疏忽的 OPP careful It was careless of him to leave the door unlocked. 他忘了锁门,真是粗心大意。 a careless mistake 粗心造成的错误 careless driving 粗心驾驶careless with He’s careless with his glasses and has lost three pairs. 他用眼镜很马虎,已经丢掉三副了。 Careless talk can be disastrous for a business. 谈话不慎有时会给企业带来灾难性的损失。2  PLAN[usually before noun] natural and not done with any deliberate effort or attention 自然的,随意的 He ran a hand through his hair with a careless gesture. 他漫不经心地理了理头发。3  IGNOREnot concerned about something 不担心的,不在意的careless of a man careless of his own safety 一个不顾自身安危的男人 She gave a careless shrug. 她满不在乎地耸了耸肩。 ► Do not use ‘careless’ to mean that someone has no worries. Use carefree: They all felt happy and carefree.形容某人无忧无虑不用careless,要用carefree: They all felt happy and carefree. 他们都觉得很快乐,没有烦恼。 —carelessly adverb —carelessness noun [uncountable] THESAURUScareless not paying enough attention to what you are doing, so that you make mistakes, damage things etc 不小心的,粗心的,疏忽的I made a few careless mistakes. 我犯了几个粗心的错误。It was careless of you to leave your purse lying about. 你真粗心,钱包随手乱放。nHe started getting careless about taking his medication.clumsy often dropping or breaking things because you move around in a careless way 笨拙的,不灵活的I’m so clumsy, I spilt milk all over the floor. 我真是笨手笨脚,把牛奶洒了满地。a clumsy child 一个行动笨拙的孩子sloppy careless and lazy in the way you do your work or in your behaviour generally 马虎的,不仔细的,草率的As a student, he was brilliant but sloppy. 他是一个聪明但马虎的学生。I will not tolerate sloppy work. 我决不允许工作马马虎虎。reckless especially written doing dangerous or stupid things without thinking about your own or other people’s safety 轻率的,鲁莽的The driver of the car was arrested for reckless driving. 驾驶员因为鲁莽驾驶被捕。His actions showed a reckless disregard for human life. 他的行为就是罔顾人命。irresponsible careless in a way that might affect other people, especially when you should be taking care of them 不负责任的It’s irresponsible for parents to let their children smoke. 家长允许孩子吸烟是不负责任的行为。his irresponsible attitude to keeping animals 他对饲养动物抱不负责任的态度tactless carelessly saying something that upsets or embarrasses someone, without intending to do this 不乖巧的,不圆通的,言行不得体的He kept making tactless remarks about her appearance. 他老是说一些不得体的话评论她的外表。a tactless question 失礼的问题nI thought it would be tactless to ask about her divorce.casual not being careful enough about something and treating it as though it is not important 随便的,不认真的He seems to have a very casual attitude towards his work. 他的工作态度似乎很随便。She disliked the casual way in which he made decisions affecting other people’s lives. 她不喜欢他这样随便地作出影响他人生活的决定。negligent careless about something that you are responsible for, so that serious mistakes are made – used especially when someone will be officially punished for this 疏忽;玩忽职守,失职The doctor was negligent in using the wrong type of needle. 医生失职,用错了针头。They found him guilty of negligent conduct. 他们判他渎职罪。Examples from the Corpuscareless• People just thought I was being careless.• Don't be so careless.• After a few weeks, he started getting careless about taking his medication.• Keaton got careless and left fingerprints at the scene of the crime.• Pryce accused the other driver of being careless and negligent.• Officials suspect that the fire was started by careless campers.• He was fined 300-pounds and given six penalty points for careless driving.• Careless handling of pesticides causes dozens of accidents on farms every year.• Some careless idiot forgot to lock the door and the dog got out.• Katz argued that the police used too much force and were careless in making arrests.• I made a few careless mistakes.• Every year, some careless motorists wind up blinded by acid.• Huy grabbed one of the torches and brought it closer, careless of the wax dripping on to the dead skin.• It was very careless of you to leave your purse lying on the desk.• Witnesses say the argument started after a careless remark about the victim's wife.• She snapped out careless retorts and soared in brief Puccinian reminiscences with equal ease.• It was a delightful, careless room, untidy and rather deficient in comfortable chairs.• I was too careless to really focus.• The building had been finished in a very careless way, with loose wires and unpainted ceilings.• Terence has always been careless with his money.• You say a few careless words to a neighbour and suddenly everyone knows about it.• Investigators are still not sure whether the damage was intentional or due to careless·less adjective →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  not what attention enough paying Corpus to you are




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