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单词 calamine lotion
释义  cal·a·mine lo·tion /ˈkæləmaɪn ˌləʊʃən $ -ˌloʊ-/ noun [uncountable]  MHa pink liquid that you put on sore, itchy, or sunburned skin to make it less painful 炉甘石药水〔粉红色护肤药水,可减轻皮肤疼痛、瘙痒或日晒后的灼伤〕Examples from the Corpuscalamine lotion• With all that scratching it should have been calamine lotion.• Here's some calamine lotion for your spots.• I rub on soothing calamine lotion, then don a cotton turtleneck to keep myself from scratching.Origin calamine lotion (1800-1900) calamine “mineral from which zinc is obtained” (1500-1600) French, from Medieval Latin calamina, from Latin cadmia, from Greek, from kadmeios “of Thebes, city in ancient Greece where the mineral was originally found”cal·a·mine lo·tion nounChineseSyllable  that a itchy, put you sore, on Corpus pink liquid




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