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单词 ABC
释义  Related topics: Letters & punctuationABC /ˌeɪ biː ˈsiː/ noun  1. [singular] British English, ABCs [plural] American EnglishSLA the letters of the English alphabet as taught to children 〔教给儿童的〕英语字母(表)2  the ABC of something British English, the ABCs of something American EnglishTRUE the basic facts about a particular subject 某学科的基本知识 the ABCs of your computer 你所掌握的计算机入门知识3. (the American Broadcasting Company) one of the national television companies in the US 美国广播公司4. (the Australian Broadcasting Corporation) the national public television company of Australia 澳大利亚广播公司Examples from the CorpusABC• David Seymour says it can be as simple as ABC.• Two important developments in ABC have taken place.From Longman Business DictionaryABCABCACCOUNTING abbreviation for AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONABC nounChinese  as Business the English of alphabet the letters Corpus




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