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单词 burst
释义  burst1 /bɜːst $ bɜːrst/ ●●○ W3 verb (past tense and past participle burst)  1  BREAK OPENbreak open 裂开 [intransitive, transitive]BREAK if something bursts, or if you burst it, it breaks open or apart suddenly and violently so that its contents come out (使)破裂;(使)爆裂;(使)胀破; (使)爆炸 The pipes had burst and the house was under two feet of water. 水管爆裂,房子被水淹了两英尺。► see thesaurus at break, explode →4  See picture of 见图 EXPLOSION2  be bursting with something FULLto have a lot of something or be filled with something 充满某物 John was bursting with ideas and good humour. 约翰主意多,脾气好。 The shops are bursting with food. 商店里摆满了各种食品。be bursting with pride/energy/excitement etc Your mum’s bursting with pride for you. 你妈妈为你感到无比骄傲。3  MOVE SUDDENLYmove suddenly 突然移动 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]FAST/QUICK to move somewhere suddenly or quickly, especially into or out of a place 冲,闯,突然出现burst into/through/in etc Jo burst into the room. 乔冲进房间。4  burst open SUDDENLYto open suddenly 突然打开 The door burst open and Tom ran into the room. 门突然打开,汤姆跑进了房间。5  be bursting to do something informalWANT to want to do something very much 迫不及待要做某事 Zach was bursting to tell them something. 扎克迫不及待地想要告诉他们什么事。6  be bursting a) British English informalHBH to need to go to the toilet very soon 〔大小便〕憋不住了 b) (also be bursting at the seams) to be so full that nothing else can fit inside 胀满,挤满,塞满7  burst somebody’s bubble to make someone suddenly realize that something is not as good as they thought it was 使某人幻想破灭 Steve was so happy I couldn’t bear to burst his bubble. 史蒂夫这么开心,我实在不忍心让他失望。8. burst its banks if a river bursts its banks, water from it goes onto the land 〔河〕决堤 → full (up) to bursting at full1(1), → burst/prick somebody's bubble at bubble1(7), → the bubble bursts at bubble1(6) PHRASAL VERBS9 burst in on/upon somebody/something phrasal verb INTERRUPTto interrupt someone or something by entering a room, in a way that embarrasses you or other people 突然闯入打扰 I’m sorry to burst in on you like this. 对不起,我这样闯进来打扰你。10 burst into something phrasal verb a) START DOING somethingto suddenly begin to make a sound, especially to start singing, crying, or laughing 突然…起来〔尤指唱歌、哭、笑等〕 Claire looked as if she were about to burst into tears. 克莱尔看上去好像就要哭出来了。 Suddenly, the group burst into laughter. 突然,这群人哄然大笑起来。 Lydia burst into song. 莉迪娅忽然唱起歌来。b) burst into flames/flameBURN to suddenly start to burn very strongly 突然起火,猛烈燃烧起来 Their car crashed and burst into flames. 他们的汽车猛烈撞击后突然燃起大火。11 burst onto/upon/on something phrasal verb to suddenly appear and become very successful 突然出现在…〔指突然成功〕 The band burst onto the music scene in 1997. 1997 年该乐队突然在乐坛上一炮而红。12 burst out phrasal verb a) burst out laughing/crying/singing etcSTART DOING something to suddenly start to laugh, cry etc 突然大笑/大哭/大唱起来等 Everyone burst out laughing. 每个人都大笑起来。b) SAY/STATEto suddenly say something in a forceful way 突然说出 ‘I don’t believe it!’ she burst out angrily. “我不信!”她愤然说道。 → outburst(1)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusburst• The Concorde disaster was caused by a tyre bursting.• Thousands of gallons of oil flowed into the river when an oil pipeline burst.• Some days it felt like my head would burst.• As I approached Lovat and the two Officers, a shell burst a short distance away.• The dam burst after heavy rains.• It's a game in which children try to burst balloons by sitting on them.• The train struck a dam, which burst, flooding a small town.• Their fantastically long tails danced behind like bridal trains and burst into colour when they caught the sun's final rays.• But Chabert, infectious giggles and all, is close enough to her precocious character to want to burst some picture-perfect bubbles.• Eversince Doyle burst through the door, furious and shouting and shoving, she had stiffened into ice.pipes ... burst• The plumber is ill, the doctor's pipes have burst, and so on.burst into/through/in etc• The mob in reaction burst in and set the torch to the structure.• Banks of electrical jiggery-pokery burst into life.• She burst into tears and told me that Charlie had been killed on the Western Front.• This time he turned away, and burst into tears.• What would they do if she burst into tears?• Sure enough, the enemy mortars were bursting in the fields on both sides of the road.• Suddenly Tony Angotti burst through the mall doors.• His partner meanwhile, burst into the room, pistol in hand, the stammerer hard on his heels.burst2 ●○○ noun [countable]  1  BREAKthe act of something bursting or the place where it has burst 破裂,爆炸;喷出;裂口 a burst in the water pipe 水管上的裂口2  a) INCREASE IN ACTIVITY, FEELINGS ETCa short sudden effort or increase in activity 突然用力;加速burst of The van gave a sudden burst of speed. 小货车突然加速。 b) SOUNDa short sudden and usually loud sound 突发的响声burst of sharp bursts of machine gun fire 一阵阵刺耳的机关枪扫射声 c) ANGRYa sudden strong feeling or emotion 情感的突然爆发burst of anger/enthusiasm/temper etc 怒火/热情/脾气等的爆发Examples from the Corpusburst• There was a burst of incomprehensible laughter.• This had been Sir Ivor at his brilliant best, striking with one deadly burst of speed.• The fast twitch fibres have a much higher contraction speed and are associated with dynamic bursts of energy.• A loud burst of singing gave away the presence of the ubiquitous wren.• They scored 14 points in a five-minute burst.• Surface bursts of large nuclear weapons are an essential part of strategic nuclear war.burst of anger/enthusiasm/temper etc• This was the sort of reaction that usually followed a burst of temper bordering on rage.• She would have felt more able to respond if only he'd exploded in a burst of anger.• Uncontrolled and dazed, he seized the rim of the desk and heaved with a burst of anger.• Some three years on from that initial burst of enthusiasm and the corresponding outcry from the professional market much has changed.• This was my last burst of anger in defense of President Reagan.Origin burst1 Old English berstanburst1 verb →PHRASAL VERBS1burst2 nounChinese  if bursts, something or you breaks if Corpus burst it, it




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