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单词 burning
释义 Word family  noun burn burner adjective burning burnt verb burn adverb burning  burn·ing1 /ˈbɜːnɪŋ $ ˈbɜːr-/ ●●○ adjective [only before noun]  1  BURNon fire 燃烧着的 She was rescued from a burning building. 她被人从着火的大楼里救了出来。2  HOTfeeling very hot 感到发烫的 Claudia put her hands to her burning face. 克劳迪娅双手捂住自己发烫的脸。3  burning ambition/desire/need etc a burning ambition, desire, need etc is very strong 勃勃的雄心/熊熊欲望/迫切需要等 My burning ambition is to be world champion. 我雄心勃勃要当世界冠军。4  burning issue/question a burning issue or question is very important and urgent 迫在眉睫的问题 Education has become a burning issue in this election. 教育成了本届选举的当务之急。5. written burning eyes look at you very hard or show very strong feeling 〔目光〕灼热的Examples from the Corpusburning• That did not matter for soon burning aircraft lit the scene as though it were daylight.• The two boys were rescued from the burning apartment building.• burning cheeks• Mrs Stocks passed on the onions, neatly sliced, and went to splash cold water over her burning eyes.burning2 adverb  burning hot HOTvery hot 滚烫的,酷热的burn·ing1 adjectiveburning2 adverbChineseSyllable  on Corpus fire




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