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单词 burgle
释义  bur·gle /ˈbɜːɡəl $ ˈbɜːr-/ verb [transitive] British English  STEALto go into a building and steal things 闯入…行窃 SYN American English burglarize We’ve been burgled three times. 我们已经三次被盗。► see thesaurus at steal→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusburgle• He could not see too much that could be done quickly about the criminals who travelled from Wearside and Tyneside to burgle.• He was caught burgling the house of a police officer.• A jemmy might suggest the murderer had gone to burgle the premises.• There were far more profitable houses to burgle within a stone's throw of her own modest establishment.Origin burgle (1900-2000) burglarbur·gle verbChineseSyllable  steal building go Corpus into a to and




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