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单词 buff
释义  Related topics: Coloursbuff1 /bʌf/ noun  1. wine/film/opera etc buff KNOW somethingsomeone who is interested in wine, films etc and knows a lot about them 葡萄酒专家/影迷/歌剧爱好者等► see thesaurus at expert2. [uncountable]CC a pale yellow-brown colour 浅[暗]黄褐色,米色 SYN beige3. in the buff old-fashionedNAKED not wearing any clothes 赤身裸体的,一丝不挂的 SYN nakedExamples from the Corpusbuff• There is little to fight over except narrow policy niceties that interest only foreign affairs buffs and bore most voters.• I don't just mean football supporters, or race-goers, or athletics buffs.• The market for magazines for computer buffs is growing all the time.• Computer buffs have a different phrase for it: garbage in, garbage out.• Conspiracy buffs are having a field day speculating about White House motives.• "How many films did Hitchcock make?" "Ask Paul, -- he's a great film buff."• Describing himself as a history buff, Acosta offers his Web site primarily as a catalyst for further discussion.• Immature similar, but with whole upperparts mottled buff.• Alas, even the most well-meaning opera buffs have an unfortunate habit of making their favorite indoor sport sound impossibly complicated.buff2 (also buff up) verb [transitive]  1 CLEANto polish something with a cloth 〔用软布〕擦亮 Sandra was buffing her nails. 桑德拉正在擦指甲。2 buff up phrasal verb informal to exercise in order to make your muscles bigger 锻炼肌肉 Smith buffed up for his role as Muhammad Ali. 史密斯为了扮演穆罕默德·阿里而锻炼肌肉。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbuff• It also may be because she polishes her work to a high sheen, sometimes buffing away a pesky fact or two.• Some manicurists will then buff the nail with a chamois pad to impart a sheen on the finished item.• To age the look of the gourds, she buffs them with shoe polish.• The next stage is buffing to a gloss finish.buff3 adjective  1  having a pale yellow-brown colour 浅[暗]黄褐色的,米色的 buff envelopes 米色信封2  informal attractive and looking as if you do a lot of exercise – used especially by young people 健美的〔尤为年轻人使用〕 He’s so buff! 他那身肌肉真棒!Origin buff1 1. (1900-2000) buff “someone very interested in going to watch fires” ((1900-2000)), from the buff-colored coats worn by volunteer New York City firefighters in the early 19th century. 2. (1700-1800) buff “yellow leather made from buffalo skin” ((16-18 centuries)), from Old French buffle “wild cattle”, from Old Italian bufalo; BUFFALO3. (1800-1900) buff “bare skin” ((17-19 centuries)), from “leather”; → BUFF12 buff2 (1800-1900) → BUFF1; because leather was used for polishing ( → BUFF12)buff1 nounbuff2 verbbuff3 adjectiveChinese  who etc and Corpus in knows is interested films a wine, someone




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