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单词 bright
释义  bright /braɪt/ ●●● S2 W2 adjective (comparative brighter, superlative brightest)  1  LIGHTBRIGHTlight 光 shining strongly, or with plenty of light 明亮的;光线充足的 Her eyes were hurting from the bright lights. 明亮的光线刺痛了她的眼睛。 bright sunshine 灿烂的阳光 a large bright room 明亮的大房间2  sunny 阳光充足的 if the weather is bright, the sun is shining and there is a lot of light 阳光明媚的 OPP dull The weather was bright and sunny. 天气晴朗,阳光明媚。 a bright autumn day 一个阳光明媚的秋日3  INTELLIGENTINTELLIGENTintelligent 聪明的 intelligent and able to learn things quickly 聪颖的,聪明的 He was an exceptionally bright child. 他是个特别聪明的孩子。 a bright ambitious young man 一个聪明、有抱负的年轻人► see thesaurus at intelligent4  a bright idea a very good idea – sometimes used ironically (ironic) 聪明点子〔有时作讽刺用法〕 Whose bright idea was this? 这是谁出的好点子? He is constantly coming up with bright ideas for making money. 他老是会想出些赚钱的好法子。5  COLOURSBRIGHTcolours 颜色 bright colours are strong and easy to see 鲜艳的,鲜亮的 a bright red jumper 一件鲜红色的套头毛衣 I never wear bright colours. 我从来不穿鲜艳的颜色。► see thesaurus at colour6  CHEERFULHAPPYENERGETICcheerful 高兴的 happy and full of energy 欢快的;充满生气的 Her voice was bright and cheerful. 她的声音很欢快。 She gave him a bright smile. 她给了他一个灿烂的微笑。 He looked up at me with bright eyes. 他抬起头来,用明亮的眼睛看着我。7  successful 成功的 if the future looks bright, you think that something will be successful 〔前途〕光明的 SYN promising The school’s future now looks very bright. 现在,这所学校的前途看起来非常光明。 I’m sure the company has a bright future now. 我确信公司现在前途光明。8. as bright as a button INTELLIGENTvery intelligent and full of energy 聪明活泼的9  look on the bright side HOPEto see the good points in a situation that seems to be bad 看到光明的一面,抱乐观态度 Come on, try to look on the bright side. 好啦,多往好处想想吧。10  bright and early EARLYvery early in the morning 大清早 He was up bright and early, keen to get started. 他一大早就起来了,急着开始工作。11  bright spark informalINTELLIGENT someone who says or does something that they think is intelligent but is really wrong or stupid 聪明人〔常用作反话〕 Some bright spark thought the building was on fire and called the fire brigade. 不知道哪个聪明人以为大楼着火了,就叫来了消防队。12. bright and breezy ENERGETIChappy and confident 快乐而自信的13. cheerful 高兴的bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ENTHUSIASTIChappy and full of energy 欢快的;充满生气的14  the bright lights EXCITEDthe interesting exciting life in a big city 大城市五光十色的生活 She missed the bright lights of London. 她怀念伦敦丰富多彩的生活。15  bright spot NICEan event or a period of time that is more pleasant when everything else is unpleasant 亮点〔指在其他事情都很糟糕时的一件令人高兴的事或一段快乐的时光〕 The only bright spot of the weekend was our trip to the theatre. 这个周末唯一高兴的事就是我们去看了场戏。 —brightly adverb The sun shone brightly. 太阳明媚地照耀着。 brightly coloured clothes 颜色鲜艳的衣服 She smiled brightly. 她笑得很灿烂。 —brightness noun [uncountable] THESAURUSa bright light 强烈的亮光bright shining strongly 明亮的The sunshine was very bright. 阳光非常灿烂。the bright light of the torch 手电筒明亮的光strong very bright 光线强烈的Photographs fade if they are exposed to strong sunlight. 照片如果暴露在强烈的阳光下就会褪色。brilliant extremely bright, especially in a way that seems good 明亮的,灿烂的The garden was full of brilliant autumn sunshine. 花园里洒满明媚的秋日阳光。dazzling a dazzling light is so bright that it hurts your eyes and you cannot look at it 使人目眩的,令人眼花的dazzling headlights 晃眼的车头灯nthe dazzling reflection from the mirrorblinding a blinding light is very bright and makes you unable to see for a short time after you have looked at it 刺眼的,令人目眩的There was a sudden blinding light, followed by the sound of a huge explosion. 突然出现一道刺眼的光,紧接着是一声爆炸的巨响。harsh a harsh light is bright and unpleasant 刺眼的,耀眼的In the harsh light of the kitchen, she looked older than she was. 厨房刺眼的灯光让她显老。good if the light is good in a place where you are working, it is bright enough for you to see what you are doing 光线充足的The light wasn’t good enough to read. 这光线看书不够亮。a bright place 明亮的地方bright full of light 光线充足的I wish the room was a bit brighter. 我希望这房间的光线再亮一些。light bright because there are big windows 〔因有大窗户而〕明亮的The dining room was light and airy. 饭厅明亮又通风。well-lit bright because there are plenty of electric lights 灯光明亮的Try to park in a well-lit place. 最好把车停在灯光明亮的地方。Examples from the Corpusbright• Even as a small child, it was obvious that Bobby was very bright.• If you are cycling at night, always wear something bright.• The big windows in this room make it nice and bright.• Deng responded optimistically that the outlook was still bright.• the bright afternoon sun• a bright, airy room• The text is helpful, and the maps are bright and cheery.• a bright and promising career in the Navy• Natalie is bright and she knows it.• Claire had a lovely bright bedroom which was decorated in yellow and white.• He has a triangular version of Rupert's stylised muzzle with the same pricked ears and bright black-button eyes.• a book with bright, bold illustrations• It was a bright, cheerful morning and she was in a bright and cheerful mood.• Many of the houses were painted bright colors.• The artist clearly loved bright colours.• a bright eight-year-old girl• Companies want to prevent their best and brightest employees from being headhunted by rival organizations.• The light in here is not bright enough to read by.• a bright idea• These are not just interesting hypotheses or bright ideas.• From the top of the hill they could see the bright lights of the city below them.• They never bothered that we were just spectating-we were driving a bright red Carrera 911 with a great exhaust note!• The front door was painted bright red.• a bright smile• After so long indoors the bright sunshine hurt Jack's eyes.• That wasn't a very bright thing to do.• a bright yellow vanhas a bright future• After years of uncertainty, the new management says the Roses Theatre now has a bright future.From Longman Business Dictionarybrightbright /braɪt/ adjective FINANCE if share trading is bright, there is a lot of activity and prices are risingTrading will be ‘relatively bright’ in the first half, with the Nikkei rising above 30,000.Origin bright Old English beorhtbright adjective →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  strongly, shining Business light Corpus or plenty of with




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