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单词 born-again
释义  ˈborn-again adjective  1. born-again Christian RRCsomeone who has become an evangelical Christian 重生的基督徒〔指信奉基督教福音派的人〕2. born-again non-smoker/vegetarian etc informalRECENTLY someone who has recently stopped smoking, eating meat etc, and who is always talking about it and suggesting that other people do the same 如获新生的戒烟者/素食者等Examples from the Corpusborn-again• The couple, both born-again Christians, chose the ceremony format, music and minister - understood to be Presbyterian.• After all, fanatic ayatollahs and born-again Christians eager for the Rapture set no encouraging example.• I was ready for born-again Christians or worse.• You must, in short, become a born-again consumer, redeem yourself, and find peace.• But it is pertinent to ask how well he really fits his born-again image.• We do not want to be dictated to by born-again Protestants or doctrinaire Catholics.ˈborn-again adjectiveChineseSyllable  an has someone Corpus Christian who become evangelical




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