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单词 Bolshevik
释义  Related topics: GroupingsBol·she·vik /ˈbɒlʃəvɪk $ ˈboʊl-/ noun [countable]  1. PPGsomeone who supported the communist party at the time of the Russian Revolution in 1917 1917布尔什维克〔在1917年俄国革命中支持共产党的人〕2. PPG old-fashioned an insulting way of talking about a Communist or someone who has strong left-wing opinions 共产党人;极左翼分子〔侮辱性用语〕 —bolshevik adjectiveExamples from the CorpusBolshevik• A new Central Committee was elected and the Bolshevik faction became a fully-fledged independent party.• The consistently revolutionary wing of Social Democracy, the Bolsheviks, became the authentic vanguard of the proletariat.• In 1909 Lenin succeeded in having Bogdanov expelled from the Bolshevik faction.• Until the late summer the Bolsheviks were outnumbered by moderate socialists in most popular forums.• The only positive line of local-central political communication was the Bolshevik Party network.• The Bolsheviks, on the insistent urging of Lenin, moved with caution in relation to nationalisation during this period.• It was one of those Bolshevik instruments of nation-wide control which will be studied in the next chapter.Origin Bolshevik (1900-2000) Russian bol'shevik, from bol'she “larger”; because they formed the largest group in the Communist partyBol·she·vik nounChineseSyllable  the someone communist who supported party at Corpus




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