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单词 body count
释义  Related topics: Military, Deathˈbody ˌcount noun [countable]  PMMXthe number of dead soldiers after a period of fighting, or the process of counting their bodies 〔战争中的〕死亡人数;死亡人数统计Examples from the Corpusbody count• There won't be no medals for a body count.• I think we stayed for about a week just trying to get more and more of a body count.• But a rapidly escalating body count forces her to face up to what's really happening.• A higher body count score, for one thing.• We were horrified as the body count rose higher and higher.• By this time the body count was getting so high, sensible people refused to ride along with us.• Police raised their body count in a case they say proves that the former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic covered up war crimes.ˈbody ˌcount nounChineseSyllable  period the or fighting, number of dead soldiers a Corpus after of




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