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单词 affiliate
释义  af·fil·i·ate1 /əˈfɪlieɪt/ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]MEMBERCONNECTED WITH if a group or organization affiliates to or with another larger one, it forms a close connection with it (使)附属[隶属]affiliate with The Society is not affiliated with any political party. 该社团不隶属任何政党。affiliate to the church’s right to affiliate to Rome 教会从属于罗马教廷的权利n Grammar Affiliate is usually passive in this meaning, when used as a transitive verb.2  affiliate yourself to/with somebody/something JOIN AN ORGANIZATIONto join or become connected with a larger group or organization 加入,加盟,并入 She affiliated herself with the Impressionist school of painting. 她加入了印象主义画派。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusaffiliate• By 1937 there was one individual Party member for every five affiliated from the unions.• Nevertheless, Plenderleith injects genuine pathos into his tales that, on the whole, are affiliated to the great game.• Koa Oil Co., a refiner affiliated with Nippon Oil, gained 90 yen to 970 yen.• She and our outreach nurse call MotherRisk, a programme affiliated with our city's paediatric hospital.• The small-business component of the local chambers of commerce affiliated with us is even more·fil·i·ate2 /əˈfɪliət/ noun [countable]  MEMBERa company, organization etc that is connected with or controlled by a larger one 支会;分社;子公司;附属机构 Volvo’s Japanese affiliate, Mitsubishi 沃尔沃公司在日本的联营公司三菱Examples from the Corpusaffiliate• As part of the merger, affiliates of Trump Hotels would also sell $ 750 million in new bonds.• As a result the bank is able to recoup the loan and the securities affiliate earns an underwriting fee. 6.• The affiliate advises investors to buy some of the issue.• The affiliates were known as cells.• The Communist Party and various affiliates control nearly all Soviet printing presses and broadcasting stations.From Longman Business Dictionaryaffiliateaf‧fil‧i‧ate1 /əˈfɪliət/ noun [countable]ORGANIZATIONS a small company or organization that is connected with or controlled by a larger oneFuji Xerox Co., the Japanese affiliate of Xerox Corpaffiliateaf‧fi‧li‧ate2 /əˈfɪlieɪt/ verb [intransitive, transitive] if a group or organization affiliates to or is affiliated to a larger one, it is connected with it or controlled by itaffiliate toThe company is affiliated to the giant Sumitomo group.Student associations almost all affiliate to the National Union of Students. —affiliated adjectivea complicated network of affiliated companiesMost local TV stations are affiliated with one of the major networks. —affiliation noun [uncountable]its affiliation to the industry federation→ See Verb tableOrigin affiliate1 (1700-1800) Medieval Latin past participle of affiliare “to take over as a son”, from Latin ad- “to” + filius “son”af·fil·i·ate1 verb →n GRAMMAR1af·fil·i·ate2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus if or affiliates or Business a organization group to




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