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单词 zone
释义  zone1 /zəʊn $ zoʊn/ ●●○ W3 noun [countable]  1  AREAa large area that is different from other areas around it in some way 〔有别于周围的〕地区,地带,区域 San Francisco and Tokyo are both located in earthquake zones. 旧金山和东京都位于地震带。 The government has set up a special economic zone to promote private enterprise. 政府设立了一个经济特区来推动私营企业的发展。► see thesaurus at area2  in the zone informal having all your attention on what you are doing, especially playing a sport, and doing it well 〔尤指在运动时〕集中精力的,处于良好状态的 When I’m in the zone, every shot seems easy. 在我状态好的时候,好像每一次射门都很容易。 → buffer zone at buffer1(3), → no-fly zone, time zone COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + zonea danger zone 危险区域Civilians were told to leave the danger zone. 平民被告知离开危险区域。a war/battle/combat zone 战区Planes were diverted to avoid flying over the war zone. 飞机改道绕行,避免飞经战区。an earthquake zone (=where earthquakes are quite likely to happen) 地震带It’s not advisable to build nuclear reactors in an earthquake zone. 在地震带建核反应堆不是明智之举。a disaster zone 灾区The damage is so serious that the government has declared the city a disaster zone. 破坏非常严重,政府已宣布该市为灾区。an economic zone (=an area with special trade or tax conditions) 经济区nThe area has been made a special economic enterprise zone (=where businesses are encouraged) 企业振兴区nSmall businesses predominated in the enterprise zone.a no-parking zone 禁止停车区nYou can’t leave your car here – it’s a no-parking pedestrian zone (=where no vehicles are allowed)The main part of the city centre is a pedestrian zone.a 20 mph/30 mph etc zone (=where vehicles’ speed is limited to 20 mph, 30 mph etc) 时速20英里/30 英里等限速区nHe was doing 42 mph in a 30 mph zone.a demilitarized zone (=where soldiers and military activities are not allowed) 非军事区nThe demilitarized zone between Iraq and Kuwait was created after the first Gulf no-fly zone (=an area that aircraft are not allowed to fly in)the no-fly zone over Iraqa nuclear-free/smoke-free etc zone (=where nuclear weapons, smoking etc is not allowed) 无核区/禁烟区等nThe county council offices are a smoke-free zone.verbsset up/establish/create a zone 设立区域The government intends to set up an enterprise zone in the region. 政府打算在该地区设立一个企业振兴区。enter a zone 进入区域He didn’t see the sign saying he’d entered a 20 mph zone. 他没有看到标志标明他已进入时速20英里的限速区。Examples from the Corpuszone• UN troops are unwilling to enter the battle zone.• All the people Fletcher surveyed have a buffer zone, usually somewhere between 3 and 5 pounds.• The government has set up a special economic zone in the south for private enterprises.• It was rubbing up and down as if he were titillating an unseen erogenous zone.• Half of the community lies in a flood zone.• However, because of the hysteresis, there is still an intermediate zone - one in which either behaviour may occur permanently.• A fine Highland rain, like the spray from a plant mister, was falling in the wrong meteorological zone.• Most of the town centre is now a pedestrian zone.• This is a residential zone -- no commercial buildings are allowed.• Subduction zones are also responsible for some of the Northwest's most dramatic natural features, including Mount Rainier.• This may shed light on Soviet views of such zones.• Maybe there would be just a simple name change, or the establishment of a free trade zone.• It looks like a war zone tip here, and perhaps it is.zone2 verb  1 [transitive] American English if an area of land is zoned, it is officially kept to be used for a particular purpose 将…划作〔某项用途的〕区域be zoned for something The land is currently zoned for residential use. 这片土地目前被划为住宅用地。n Grammar Zone is usually passive in this meaning.2 zone out phrasal verb informal to stop paying attention, for example because you are bored or tired 〔因厌倦或疲倦而〕走神;〔吸毒后〕精神恍惚5What? Oh, sorry – I was just zoning out there for a minute.什么?哦,对不起——我刚才走神了一会儿。n He tends to zone out when I talk to him about my job.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuszone• More than three-quarters of the province has now been zoned.• Abrams' land is currently zoned for residential use.• Rita Ranch was zoned industrial long before homes started sprouting there.• What? Oh, sorry - I was just zoning out there for a minute.From Longman Business Dictionaryzonezone1 /zəʊnzoʊn/ noun1[countable] a large area that is different from others around it in some wayThis is a no-parking zone.90% of non-smokers want smoke-free zones at work and in public places.2licence-free/passport-free etc zone a group of countries where you do not need a licence to import goods, you do not need special documents to travel etc3residential/industrial/commercial etc zonePROPERTY an area of a city that is used for a particular purpose or activity, such as houses or shopsThe trucks are limited by federal law to the commercial zone.The company’s five factories are situated in a new industrial zone outside the city. → development zone → duty-free zone → economic zone → enterprise zone → euro-zone → foreign trade zone → free zone → special economic zone → tax-free zone → time zonezonezone2 verb [transitive] American EnglishPROPERTY to divide a town or city into different areas for different purposesThe privately owned land is currently zoned for residential use (=for houses) . → see also downzoning —zoning adjectiveIn architecture you are dependent on clients, on craftsmen, and on zoning laws.→ See Verb tableOrigin zone1 (1400-1500) Latin zona “belt, zone”, from Greek zonezone1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1zone2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChinese  areas different from around that a area large is it other Corpus Business




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