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单词 zero tolerance
释义  ˌzero ˈtolerance noun [uncountable]  a way of dealing with crime in which every person who breaks the law, even in a very small way, is punished as severely as possible 零容忍,零宽容〔指对违法者不论情节轻重一律严惩的做法〕 a policy of zero tolerance in inner-city areas 旧城区的零容忍政策Examples from the Corpuszero tolerance• But if the speeds aren't going to be cut by zero tolerance, even they would find it hard to support.• The school board has a policy of zero tolerance for students caught with drugs.• This zero tolerance for disease has led to a zero tolerance for animals.ˌzero ˈtolerance nounChineseSyllable  a in with crime Corpus dealing of way




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