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单词 would
释义  would /wʊd/ ●●● S1 W1 modal verb (negative short form wouldn’t)  1  XXpast intentions/expectations 过去的打算/期望 used to say what someone intended to do or expected to happen 将,将会〔表示想做某事或认为某事会发生〕 They said they would meet us at 10.30 at the station. 他们说过会在10点30分到车站接我们。 She said she wouldn’t be coming to the library anymore. 她说她再也不会到图书馆来了。 Arnold knew he would be tired the next day. 阿诺德知道自己第二天会很累。 It would soon be dark. 天很快就要黑了。2  XXimagined situations 设想的情况 a) used when talking about the result of a possible or imagined situation or event, or describing one 会〔用于设想的或希望发生的情形〕 What would you do if you won a million pounds? 如果你赢得100万英镑,你会做什么? I would be amazed if I got the job. 我要是得到这份工作就会喜出望外。 It would be lovely to see you. 如能见到你那就太好了。 b) used when talking about something that did not happen, or a situation that cannot exist 会〔用于不曾发生或不可能存在的事〕 I would have phoned you, but there wasn’t time. 我本想给你打电话,但没有时间。 Alex would never have found out if you hadn’t told him. 要是你没有告诉亚历克斯,他绝对不会发现的。 What would have happened if I hadn’t been here? 要是我没在这里,会发生什么事? Everything would be very different if your father were still alive. 如果你爸爸还在世,那一切都会很不一样。 c) used to mention an unlikely situation or event that you want to happen 但愿,要是…就好了 I wish they would come and visit us. 但愿他们会来看我们。 If only he would listen to me. 他能听我的话就好了。5 GRAMMAR 语法• Use the past tense, not would , in a clause beginning with ‘if’ when mentioning a possible or imagined situation or event in the present or future. 若if引导的从句中提及现在或将来的某种可能或设想的情况或事件,要用过去时,而不用wouldI would be surprised if he did not agree with me (NOT 不说 if he would not agree with me).如果他不同意我的意见,我会感到意外的。n GRAMMAR: Choosing the right tenseYou usually use would in the main clause, and a past tense in the ‘if’ clause: I would be surprised if he agreed.She would love it if you came. ✗Don’t say: I would be surprised if he would agree.3  PASTpast habits 过去的习惯 used to say that something happened often or regularly in the past 老是,总是〔表示过去经常做的事〕 When we worked in the same office, we would often have coffee together. 我们过去在同一间办公室工作的时候,经常一起喝咖啡。 On summer evenings they would sit out in the garden. 夏天的晚上他们会坐在外面的花园里。4  requesting 请求 spoken used to ask someone politely to do something 〔用于礼貌地请求〕 Would you shut the window, please? 请把窗户关上,好吗? Would you mind waiting outside? 您在外面等好吗? Would someone please tell me what is going on? 请问谁能告诉我发生什么事了?5  offering/inviting 提议/邀请 spoken used to offer something to someone or invite them somewhere politely 〔用于礼貌地向某人提供某物或邀请某人〕 Would you like a coffee? 要喝杯咖啡吗? We’re going to the theatre this evening. Would you be interested in coming? 今晚我们要去看戏,你有没有兴趣一起来?6  what SB wants 某人想要的 spoken used to say that someone wants something or wants to do something 想〔用于表示某人想要某物或想做某事〕would like/love/prefer Yes, please, I’d love a coffee. 好的,我想喝杯咖啡。 My parents would like to meet you. 我父母想见见你。 Claudia would have liked to refuse (=wanted to refuse), but she didn’t dare. 克劳迪娅本想拒绝,可是她不敢。 I’d hate (=I do not want) to disappoint you. 我不想让你失望。would rather/sooner (=used to say what someone prefers) 宁愿,宁可 I’d rather stay in this evening, if that’s all right with you. 要是你觉得可以,今晚我宁可待在家里。7  past purpose 原来的目的 used after ‘so that’ to show that someone was trying to make something happen or prevent something 〔用于so that后表示试图让某事发生或防止某事发生〕 We packed all the books in wooden boxes so that they wouldn’t get damaged. 我们把所有的书籍都装入木箱防止受损。8  would not a) used to say that someone refused to do something 不会〔表示拒绝做某事〕 He wouldn’t give us any money. 他不会给我们钱的。 b) used to say that something did not happen, even though someone was trying to make it happen 就是不会 The door wouldn’t open, no matter how hard she pushed. 不管她怎么用力推,门就是打不开。9  SUGGESTadvice 建议 spoken used when giving or asking for advice 会…〔用于提出或寻求建议〕 I’d try to get there early if you can. 要是你可以早到,我也会尽量早到。 I would talk to the doctor if I were you. 我要是你的话,就会和医生谈谈。 What would you do if you were in my position? 你要是碰到我这样的情况会怎么办?10  I would think/imagine/say spoken used to give your opinion about something when you are not very sure about it 我想…/我猜…/我觉得… I would think you’d be happier in a different school. 我想你要是换一所学校也许会更快乐。 ‘Will it cost a lot?’ ‘I would imagine so.’ “要很多钱吗?”“我猜是的。”11  TYPICALtypical behaviour 典型的行为 spoken used to say that an action is typical or expected – usually used to show disapproval 会…〔表示某行为很典型或在意料之中,一般含贬义〕 You would go and spoil it, wouldn’t you! 你会去把事情搞砸,是不是! She insists that she did nothing wrong, but then she would say that, wouldn’t she? 她坚称自己是无辜的,不过她总是那么说,是不是?12  would that ... literaryWANT used to express a strong wish or desire 但愿…;要是…多好〔表示强烈的愿望〕 SYN if only Would that we had seen her before she died. 要是我们能在她去世之前见上她一面该有多好。Examples from the Corpuswould• Dad would be really mad if he knew we borrowed his car.• Andy said he would give me a ride home.• The total cost, I would guess, might be $100 per person.• We would often go for long walks in the park.would like/love/prefer• Such individuals will then continue to breed, and the numbers will not sink as rapidly as the population controllers would like.• And of the two settings, Democrats would prefer him out campaigning.• Instead we cultivate and garden our landscapes into idealised versions of the world as we would like it to be.• As Wilson announced his withdrawal, he offered a glimpse of how he would like to like to see himself.• In due course, when economic circumstances permit, we would like to rebuild it.• Beowulf says that he would like to sail for Hrothgar's land and take up the fight against the monster.• Two or three specific problem areas can be identified with the parents that they would like to work on first.• Because I would like you to join me in wishing every happiness to Annabelle and Steven.I would ... if I were you• I would go, if I were you.Origin would Old English woldewould modal verb →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2LDOCE OnlineChinese  to used Corpus intended someone what to say




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