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单词 worthy
释义 Word family  noun worth worthlessness worthy unworthiness adjective worth worthless worthwhile worthy ≠ unworthy  wor·thy1 /ˈwɜːði $ ˈwɜːrði/ ●●○ adjective  1  [only before noun]GOOD/MORAL deserving respect from people 值得尊敬的;值得赞赏的 Leeds United were worthy winners of the competition. 利兹联队是比赛当之无愧的获胜者。 a worthy opponent 值得钦佩的对手2  be worthy of something DESERVEto deserve to be thought about or treated in a particular way 值得…的 A couple of other books are worthy of mention. 还有一些其他的书值得一提。 a teacher who is worthy of respect 一位值得尊敬的老师3  be worthy of somebody informal to be as good as something that a particular person would do 可与某人相媲美 a goal that was worthy of any of the great footballers of the world 堪与世界上任何一位伟大足球运动员相媲美的一个进球4. I’m/We’re not worthy spoken used humorously to say that you consider it a great honour to be with someone because they are famous, or much more skilful at doing something than you are 我/我们不配〔幽默用法,表示很荣幸和某个名人或水平高得多的人在一起〕5  BORINGGOOD/MORAL formal trying to help other people 帮助他人的 The money will go to a worthy cause. 这笔钱将用于慈善事业。 I’m sure his motives were worthy. 我确信他的动机是助人。Examples from the Corpusworthy• Brodkey's book is worthy bedtime reading.• To me, this would seem to be a worthy object of the game.• His manual was a contribution to that worthy objective.• But his matchwinner ten minutes from time was worthy of any international striker.• Other strategies are worthy of note.• Roper, who is as sharp with a put-down as he is with a knockdown, has run out of worthy opponents.worthy2 noun (plural worthies) [countable]  informalIMPORTANT someone who is important and should be respected 知名人士,杰出人物 We were met by a group of local worthies. 一批当地的知名人士接见了我们。Examples from the Corpusworthy• Rutledge definitely has a place among other American worthies.• He sold it to worthies around the hills.wor·thy1 adjectiveworthy2 nounChineseSyllable  people respect Corpus from deserving




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