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单词 workroom
释义  Related topics: Buildingswork·room /ˈwɜːkrʊm, -ruːm $ ˈwɜːrk-/ noun [countable]  TBBWORK/DO WORKa room that you work in, especially making things, often in your home 〔常指设在家中的〕工作间,作坊Examples from the Corpusworkroom• Jasper has a workroom in that basement.• Keys and workroom and shovel were all managed in time, and her father resigned to sitting finally.• Two years before, it had been the Giffens' workroom.• Wood is stacked neatly along one wall of his workroom.• I've got a shop and my own workrooms.• Maybe they should get the big shovel out of the workroom.• Did he have his key to the workroom?• The workroom was extremely tidy and four chairs were set in a row in front of the puppet·room nounChineseSyllable  making a things, that especially you in, room work Corpus




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