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单词 worked up
释义  ˌworked ˈup adjective [not before noun]  informalUPSET very upset or excited about something 〔对某事〕非常不安的,激动的worked up about/over You shouldn’t get so worked up about it. 你不该为此事那么激动。 → work up at work1Examples from the Corpusworked up about/over• Ultimately, the return of Madness is hardly something to get worked up about.• Jane could not get worked up about any car.• It would be hard to imagine Old Tom getting worked up about changing rooms.• There was no sense in getting too worked up about Mandy.• You're getting all worked up over nothing.• Even when we were kids I was never that worked up about opening our Christmas stockings.• Jack just felt he had better things to do with his time than get worked up about stuff.• He simply could not get worked up about the soup.• Afterwards, ordinary life seems unimportant: business; politics; all the things people get worked up about: unimportant.ˌworked ˈup adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus excited upset very or about something




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