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单词 wisdom
释义  wis·dom /ˈwɪzdəm/ ●●○ noun [uncountable]  1  INTELLIGENTgood sense and judgment, based especially on your experience of life 智慧,才智;明断 a man of great wisdom 一个有大智慧的男人question/doubt the wisdom of (doing) something Local people are questioning the wisdom of spending so much money on a new road. 当地人在质疑花这么多钱修建一条新路是否明智。 You can always expect a few words of wisdom from Dave. 戴夫总能冒出几句至理名言。 → pearls of wisdom at pearl(3)2  INTELLIGENTknowledge gained over a long period of time through learning or experience 智慧,知识,学问 the collected wisdom of many centuries 多少个世纪累积的智慧► see thesaurus at knowledge3  (the) conventional/received/traditional etc wisdom OPINIONa belief or opinion that most people have 普遍的看法/公认的见解/传统的信念等 The conventional wisdom is that boys mature more slowly than girls. 人们普遍认为男孩比女孩晚熟。4  in somebody’s (infinite) wisdom UNDERSTAND humorous used to say that you do not understand why someone has decided to do something 以某人(无穷)的智慧〔表示不明白某人为何决定做某事〕 The boss, in her infinite wisdom, has decided to reorganize the whole office yet again. 老板凭着她非凡的智慧,决定再一次对整个办公室进行整顿。Examples from the Corpuswisdom• Thanks to a sound system that fails to function properly, Kevin's words of diseased warning and wisdom are indecipherable.• Their new role is to challenge conventional wisdom.• He set out a scenario which ran against the conventional wisdom at the time.• Conventional wisdom says that the health of the economy is one of the most important factors that determines a president's chances of winning re-election.• Beyond the threat there is wisdom.• Both passed wisdom down with complex language.• Paul learned to value his father's wisdom and advice.• an old man's wisdom• Gleysteen sensed that Park was losing his way, seeming to be uncertain about the wisdom of his own decisions.• Some people were beginning to doubt the wisdom of their leader's decisions.• Already, they said, he had the wisdom of an old man, a sage.• The wisdom about life, and about the dangers which her desires may bring about, is gained by every listener.question/doubt the wisdom of (doing) something• And he even questioned the wisdom of having such a thing as a World Cup.• Some teachers have questioned the wisdom of supplying tape machines at all for the computer.• In fact, it terrified him, and it made him question the wisdom of getting involved with Gabby.• At least one money manager who focuses on emerging markets questions the wisdom of that approach.• The reader might question the wisdom of leaving oil prices to be determined by purely market forces.Origin wisdom Old English wis; → WISE1wis·dom nounChineseSyllable  based of good Corpus life experience and judgment, on your especially sense




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