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单词 wind
释义  Related topics: Nature, Illness & disability, Wind, water, sunwind1 /wɪnd/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  air 空气 (also the wind) [countable, uncountable]DN moving air, especially when it moves strongly or quickly in a current 风 → windy The wind blew from the northeast. 风从东北方向吹来。 Planes were unable to take off because of high winds. 飞机因大风无法起飞。 → crosswind, downwind, headwind, tailwind, trade wind, upwind2  get/have wind of something informalFIND OUT to hear or find out about something secret or private 听到某事的风声;获得某事的线索 You’d better hope the press doesn’t get wind of this. 你最好指望新闻界没听到这件事的风声。3  breath 呼吸 [uncountable]BREATHE your ability to breathe normally 〔正常的〕呼吸能力get your wind (back) (=be able to breathe normally again, for example after running) 〔跑步等后〕恢复正常呼吸,喘过气来knock the wind out of somebody (=hit someone in the stomach so that they cannot breathe for a moment) 打某人的腹部使其透不过气来 → second wind at second1(12), → windpipe4  in your stomach 在胃里 [uncountable] British EnglishMI the condition of having air or gas in your stomach or intestines, or the air or gas itself 肠胃气胀;胃气;肠气 SYN American English gas I can’t drink beer – it gives me wind. 我不能喝啤酒——喝了就胀气。 ‘What’s wrong with the baby?’ ‘Just a little wind.’ “宝宝怎么了?”“只是有点腹胀。”5. take the wind out of somebody’s sails informalCONFIDENT to make someone lose their confidence, especially by saying or doing something unexpected 〔尤指以意想不到的言语或行动〕使某人丧失信心,使某人泄气6. see which way the wind is blowing FIND OUTto find out what the situation is before you do something or make a decision 〔做事或作决定前〕观望形势,看风向7  something is in the wind SOONused to say that something is happening or going to happen, but the details are not clear 某事正在进行中;某事即将发生〔但具体情况不清楚〕 If there was a merger in the wind, I’m sure we’d hear about it. 如果要合并,我们肯定会听说的。8  winds of change/freedom/public opinion etc CHANGE/BECOME DIFFERENTused to refer to things that have important effects, and that cannot be stopped 改革/自由/舆论等之风 The winds of change are blowing through the entire organization. 整个机构刮起了改革之风。9  put the wind up somebody/get the wind up British English informalFRIGHTENED if you put the wind up someone, you make them feel anxious or frightened. If you get the wind up, you become anxious or frightened 使某人惊慌/受到惊吓 The threat of legal action will be enough to put the wind up them. 威胁起诉将足以使他们惊慌。10. MUSIC 音乐the winds/the wind section APMthe people in an orchestra or band who play musical instruments that you blow through, such as a flute 〔乐队中的〕管乐部,管乐组11  like the wind if someone or something moves or runs like the wind, they move or run very quickly 迅速地 She ran like the wind down the stairs to escape. 她飞也似的冲下楼梯逃跑。12. talk 交谈 [uncountable] British English informalUNTRUE talk that does not mean anything 空谈,空话 → break wind at break1(31), → it’s an ill wind (that blows nobody any good) at ill1(4), → sail close to the wind at sail1(6), → straw in the wind at straw(5) COLLOCATIONSadjectivesstrong 强劲的,猛烈的The wind was so strong he could hardly stand. 风大得让他都快站不住了。light/gentle (=not strong) 轻微的/和缓的Winds tomorrow will be light. 明天是微风。high winds (=strong wind) 狂风,急风High winds are making driving conditions difficult. 狂风使驾驶变得很困难。a cold/chill wind 寒风nThere was a cold wind this icy/biting/bitter wind (=very cold) 冰冷的风/刺骨的风/寒风nShe shivered in the icy gusty/blustery wind (=not blowing steadily)A blustery wind was sending light flurries of rain against the fresh wind British English (=quite cold and strong)It will feel colder in places exposed to a fresh northeasterly wind.a 20-/40-mile-an-hour wind 时速20/40英里的风nThe walkers struggled in 35-mile-an-hour winds.gale force/hurricane force winds (=very strong) 七级以上的大风/飓风nHe was buffeted by the gale force winds.the north/south etc wind (=coming from the north etc) 北风/南风等nThey sought shelter from the north wind.a northerly/southerly etc wind (=coming from the north etc) 北风/南风等nA fresh northerly wind was speeding the ship southwards.the prevailing wind (=the most frequent wind in an area) 盛行风nThe prevailing wind comes from the west.verbsthe wind blows 风吹A cold wind was blowing. 寒风劲吹。the wind picks up (also the wind gets up British English) (=becomes stronger) 风势在加大The rain beat down and the wind was picking up. 大雨倾盆,风势越来越大。the wind drops/dies down (=becomes less strong) 风势减弱nThe wind had dropped a little.nthe wind howls (=makes a lot of noise)The wind howled round the house all night.the wind changes (=starts blowing from a different direction) 风向改变nThe wind had to change before his fighting ships could sail against the Spanish.phrasesa gust of wind 一阵风A gust of wind rattled the window. 一阵大风吹得窗户呼啦啦地响。be blowing/swaying/flapping etc in the wind 在风中飘动/摇摆/拍击等The trees were all swaying in the wind. 树木都在风中摇摆。wind + NOUNwind speed 风速Wind speeds of up to 80 miles an hour were recorded. 测得风速高达每小时80英里。 THESAURUSwind air moving in a current, especially strongly or quickly 风A cold wind was blowing from the east. 东面吹来一股寒风。Strong winds caused damage to many buildings. 强风给许多建筑造成了破坏。breeze a gentle pleasant wind 微风The trees were moving gently in the breeze. 树在微风中轻轻摇摆。A slight breeze ruffled her hair. 一阵微风吹乱了她的头发。draught British English, draft American English /drɑːft $ dræft/ a current of cool air which blows into a room, especially one that makes you feel uncomfortable 穿堂风There’s a bit of a draught in here – can you close the door? 这里有点穿堂风,请你把门关上行吗?a strong wind 大风gale a very strong wind 狂风,大风The ship was blown off course in a severe gale. 船被一阵狂风吹得偏离了航向。nHowling gales and torrential rain continued throughout the night.hurricane a storm that has very strong fast winds and that moves over water – used about storms in the North Atlantic Ocean 〔北大西洋的〕飓风The hurricane devastated Florida and killed at least 40 people. 这场飓风重创佛罗里达州并导致至少40人丧生。typhoon a violent tropical storm – used about storms in the Western Pacific Ocean 〔西太平洋的〕台风A typhoon has hit the Philippines, lifting roofs off houses and uprooting trees. 台风袭击菲律宾,屋顶被掀翻,树木被连根拔起。tornado (also twister American English informal) a violent storm with strong winds that spin very quickly in a circle, often forming a cloud that is narrower at the bottom than the top 龙卷风The town was hit by a tornado that damaged several homes. 该镇遭龙卷风袭击,多幢住宅被毁。cyclone a violent tropical storm with strong winds that spin in a circle 〔热带的〕气旋,旋风A devastating cyclone struck Bangladesh in April that year. 那年4月份,一场毁灭性旋风袭击了孟加拉国。nThis cyclone was traveling at speeds in excess of 21 miles per hour.Examples from the Corpuswind• We tie up the boats and wade up the creek towards it, enveloped in a wind of fine mist.• You can even feel the deck shift beneath your feet or shiver in the ice cold arctic wind.• There was a biting wind from the right which made all the dead winter stems rattle and rustle feverishly.• A bitter wind was blowing from the East• a 30-mile-an-hour wind• A sudden gust of wind blew the paper out of his hand.• Some kind of wind had risen outside and was whistling through the rotten window casement and the ill-fitted panes.• With the rain came a southerly wind, moderate at first but then steadily increasing until it built to gale force.• Strong winds caused damage to many buildings.• But everyone erupted into giggles and bolted down the street as free of deference as the wind.• Gregson felt the wind whipping around him, felt the chill grow more intense.• The flags fluttered gently in the wind.• We walked home through the wind and the rain.• She could not believe that the typhoon winds of change could alter our family.knock the wind out of somebody• None of this has knocked the wind out of me, so to speak.• Seeing an actual reproduction of it knocks the wind out of me.wind2 /waɪnd/ ●●● S3 W3 verb (past tense and past participle wound /waʊnd/)  1  [transitive always + adverb/preposition]BEND to turn or twist something several times around something else 〔绕着他物〕缠绕,卷绕wind something around/round something The hair is divided into sections and wound around heated rods. 头发被分成一绺绺缠绕在加热棒上。2  [transitive] (also wind up)TURN to turn part of a machine around several times, in order to make it move or start working 〔为使机器运转或启动而〕摇动[转动]〔把手等〕;给〔机械〕上发条 Did you remember to wind the clock? 你有没有记得给钟上发条?3  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]BEND if a road, river etc winds somewhere, it has many smooth bends and is usually very long 〔道路、河流等〕蜿蜒,曲折前进wind (its way) through/along etc something Highway 99 winds its way along the coast. 99号公路沿着海岸蜿蜒伸展。 a winding path 蜿蜒的小路4  [transitive] to make a tape move in a machine 卷绕〔磁带〕wind something forward/back Can you wind the video back a little way – I want to see that bit again. 你把录像带往回倒一点好吗——那一段我想再看一遍。5 wind down phrasal verb a) wind something ↔ downSTOP something THAT IS HAPPENING to gradually reduce the work of a business or organization so that it can be closed down completely 使〔工作〕逐步减少〔以停止业务或关闭机构〕b) RELAXEDto rest and relax after a lot of hard work or excitement 〔紧张工作或极度兴奋之后〕平静下来;放松 I find it difficult to wind down after a day at work. 一天工作下来,我觉得很难放松下来。c) wind something ↔ down British English to make something, especially a car window, move down by turning a handle or pressing a button 把〔尤指车窗〕摇下6 wind up phrasal verb a) FINISH DOING somethingto bring an activity, meeting etc to an end 使〔活动、会议等〕结束 OK, just to wind up, could I summarize what we’ve decided? 好了,最后,我来把我们的决定做总结好吗?wind something ↔ up It’s time to wind things up – I have a plane to catch. 该结束了——我还得赶飞机。b) wind something ↔ upSTOP something THAT IS HAPPENING to close down a company or organization 关闭〔公司或机构〕 Our operations in Jamaica are being wound up. 我们在牙买加的企业要关闭了。c) [linking verb] informalEVENTUALLY to be in an unpleasant situation or place after a lot has happened 以〔难堪的境况〕告终 SYN end up in/at/with etc You know you’re going to wind up in court over this. 你要知道你最终会因为这个上法庭。wind up doing something I wound up wishing I’d never come. 我最后真希望自己压根就没有来。d) wind somebody ↔ up British EnglishANNOY to deliberately say or do something that will annoy or worry someone, as a joke 惹某人生气;逗弄某人 → tease They’re only winding you up. 他们只是在气你。 → wound upe) wind something ↔ up to turn part of a machine around several times, in order to make it move or start working 〔为使机器运转或启动而〕摇动〔把手等〕f) wind something ↔ up British English to make something, especially a car window, move up by turning a handle or pressing a button 把〔尤指车窗〕摇上 Could you wind the window up, please? 请你把车窗摇上好吗? → rewind —wind noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswind• I hate watches that you have to wind.• She wound the car window down to speak to the police officer.• Once they were driving to meet friends for dinner when they spotted a pair winding across the highway.• Route 101 winds along the coastline for several hundred miles.• Try winding four or five large curlers into the crown to add height.• He could maybe wind her up a bit if he had the chance.• My watch has stopped - I must have forgotten to wind it.• We decided to take the Blueridge Parkway, which winds its way through the Smoky Mountains.• The staircase appears almost to be floating on air, as it winds its way up three stories.• As the day winds on, he collects a few possums, a couple of skunks.• You wind the handle on the side to make the music play.• The trail winds through the hills and then down towards Ironhorse Falls.• Herb could wind up on the Ginza in Tokyo.wind (its way) through/along etc something• Fifty miles of color-coded pipes as thick as an arm wind along the wall.• Follow the path as it winds its way through the forest.• He felt it winding through his own arteries, something vile and slippery like heavy black oil in a crankcase.• In my imagination I saw a country road winding through granite hills or threading the sides of dunes.• The Turtle winds through the park near several buildings and roads damaged last week.• Then we wind through interminable streets of Edwardian terraced houses converted to flats and rooms.• There was a brittleness in the sound of wind through the trees that spoke of fall and ruin.• We swam in the chilly river of the Titou Gorge where it winds through caverns underground.wind3 /wɪnd/ verb (past tense and past participle winded) [transitive]  1 to make someone have difficulty breathing, as a result of falling on something or being hit 使〔某人〕喘不过气 The fall winded him and he lay still for a moment. 这一跤摔得他上不来气,他一动不动地躺了一会儿。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswind• Once they were driving to meet friends for dinner when they spotted a pair winding across the highway.From Longman Business Dictionarywindwind /waɪnd/ verb (past tense and past participle wound /waʊnd/) → wind something → down → wind something → up→ See Verb tableOrigin wind1 Old Englishwind1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1wind2 verbwind3 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  when moving Business moves Corpus especially strongly it air,




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