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单词 widow
释义  Related topics: Familywid·ow /ˈwɪdəʊ $ -doʊ/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  SSFMARRYa woman whose husband has died and who has not married again 寡妇,遗孀 an elderly widow who was attacked and robbed last month 上个月遭到行凶抢劫的一位寡居老妇 a wealthy widow 富孀► see thesaurus at married2. football/golf etc widow DSALONEa woman whose husband spends all his free time watching football, playing golf etc – used humorously 足球/高尔夫球等寡妇〔指因丈夫沉溺于观看足球赛、打高尔夫球等而被冷落的妻子;幽默用法〕Examples from the Corpuswidow• Mr Jarvis died yesterday, leaving a widow and four children.• He left a widow and three children.• Also patron of divorce, infidelity, and widows.• The grieving widow was rich and powerful enough to hound anyone through the courts.• The excused forewoman is a 55-year-old widow who works as a supervisor for the Immigration and Naturalization Service.• Mourners at the funeral included Paul's widow, Sarah Jones.• Conservative Members asked, why just a pensioner - what about a single widow?• She is the widow of the head of the clan and so hers is the largest house.• She is a petite, trim widow of 73 who dresses stylishly and lives in a beautifully decorated Longwood home.• A massive collection was made for Charlton's young widow and four children.Origin widow Old English wuduwewid·ow nounChineseSyllable  and a whose woman has who Corpus died husband




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