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单词 whitewater
释义  Related topics: Naturewhite·wa·ter, white water /ˌwaɪtˈwɔːtə◂ $ -ˈwɒːtər◂, -ˈwɑː-/ noun [uncountable]  DNa part of a river that looks white because the water is running very quickly over rocks 〔河水在岩石上激起的〕白浪;湍流 whitewater canoeing 激流皮划艇运动 →4  See picture on 见图 Page A9 Outdoor pursuits 户外活动Examples from the Corpuswhitewater• whitewater rafting• And on this day, it meant canoeing through sieges of whitewater.• We got too deep into the whitewater, skimmed a hidden back eddy, and were spun around 180 degrees.• But here on the Tatshenshini they cautiously skirted the edges of the whitewater, seeking the most prudent line.white·wa·ter nounChineseSyllable  looks a of that because river part white Corpus a




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