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单词 white horses
释义  Related topics: Natureˌwhite ˈhorses noun [plural] British English  DNwaves in the sea or on a lake that are white at the top 白浪 SYN American English whitecapsExamples from the Corpuswhite horses• All those carved white horses on chalk hillsides.• Small waves becoming longer, fairly frequent white horses.• Moderate waves, taking more pronounced long form; many white horses are formed.• The carousel, its rows of white horses resplendent with red leather saddles and black-painted bridles, was thankfully almost empty.• Aurangzeb and his other brothers, on white horses, are relegated to the picture's margin.• Consider Cinderella with her glass coach and prancing white horses.• The tumbled surface of the sea looked blue-green, with white horses as far as the eye could see.• El Cid and his wonderful white horses, said the poster.ˌwhite ˈhorses nounChineseSyllable   Corpus a or lake that waves in on sea the




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