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单词 well-run
释义  ˌwell-ˈrun adjective  a well-run organization or business is managed well 运转良好的;经营得好的 a small, well-run hotel 一家经营良好的小宾馆Examples from the Corpuswell-run• All experience shows that the best intelligence comes from small, well-run agencies, not huge sprawling empires.• Public transport in this country is well-run and inexpensive.• While no one could possibly argue that Benidorm is attractive, it is well-run and very popular.• In a well-run company there will be no question of simply rubber-stamping management decisions when a grievance or appeal is pursued.• A well-run firm must strive to maintain an appropriate balance between business and financial risk.• A thoroughly charming and well-run hotel, it was recently refurbished and is well-furnished throughout.• The Klausner is a comfortable well-run hotel.• The effectiveness of well-run programs, in fact, is no longer at issue.• Substances that are lethal if inhaled, imbibed or touched may do no harm at all when safely confined to a well-run tip.• One, Rivergreen, in my constituency, is a happy, well-run, well-managed, well-staffed home.ˌwell-ˈrun adjectiveChineseSyllable  well Corpus well-run managed is or business organization a




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