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单词 well-adjusted
释义  Related topics: Psychology, psychiatryˌwell-adˈjusted adjective  MPSENSIBLEemotionally healthy and able to deal well with the problems of life 能适应环境的,性格健全的 OPP maladjusted a happy, well-adjusted child 一个快乐、适应性强的孩子Examples from the Corpuswell-adjusted• For the first five months of his life, Christopher was happy, well-adjusted and a trifle fat.• Clones of identical fungi are passed down from parent colony to offspring, reducing the chance of conflict in a well-adjusted system.• Why is it that they bestow their ardour upon the well-adjusted, wholesome architects of pop's fatal new maturity?ˌwell-adˈjusted adjectiveChineseSyllable  well deal able with and to healthy Corpus emotionally




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