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单词 weight training
释义  ˈweight ˌtraining noun [uncountable]  the activity of lifting specially shaped pieces of metal that weigh an exact amount, as a form of exercise 举重(锻炼) He does weight training at the gym twice a week. 他每周在健身房做两次举重锻炼。Examples from the Corpusweight training• They joined in Medau Classes and various sports; they tried trampolining, pistol shooting and weight training.• I pulled heavy tyres along the sprint straight, and I began weight training.• Gradually I put on body weight, a lot of it muscle bulk, and took to daily weight training.• Gavin keeps himself fit by doing weight training three times a week.• The pool is also used for running training, to help build up stamina and he does his weight training there as well.• A preference for long walks and tennis over jogging or weight training.• The weights used should be increased once 3 sets of 10 repetitions have been achieved soas to make the weight training progressive.• With regard to weight training, no research has focused its effects on pregnant women.ˈweight ˌtraining nounChineseSyllable  the specially activity Corpus of of pieces lifting shaped




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