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单词 black and blue
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilityˌblack and ˈblue adjective  MIskin that is black and blue has bruises (=dark marks) on it as a result of being hit 〔皮肤被打得〕青一块紫一块的;有瘀痕的 If you do that again, I’ll beat you black and blue. 如果你再那样做,我就把你打个鼻青脸肿。Examples from the Corpusblack and blue• Both eyes are black and blue.• But nobody had the right to be that nasty; not even if his backside was black and blue.• She pinched her own arm until it was black and blue.• I think it should have been the other way round because I was black and blue from head to toe.• Further inspection revealed that she was black and blue from her waist to her knees.• They often beat them black and blue or scar their faces with a razor.• Williams again wore the provocative black and blue outfit that drew international attention when unveiled in the opening round.• My leg was black and blue where the kid had kicked me.ˌblack and ˈblue adjectiveChineseSyllable  black Corpus and that is blue has skin




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