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单词 waste ground
释义  ˈwaste ground noun [uncountable]  an empty unattractive piece of land that is not used for anything 荒地 a piece of waste ground 一块荒地Examples from the Corpuswaste ground• Tony did as he was told and finally saw the large area of waste ground ahead.• Police had covered every piece of waste ground, undergrowth, field, wood.• Their favourite walk was down across the waste ground along Deptford Creek.• On his way across the waste ground he tripped over some rusty car parts and was injured.• He has used the waste ground to dump old cars, which he intends to renovate.• The waste ground is separated from a park by some old fencing which is in need of repair.ˈwaste ground nounChineseSyllable  that of unattractive an land Corpus empty piece




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