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单词 wage-earner
释义  Related topics: Wagesˈwage-ˌearner noun [countable]  1. EARNsomeone in a family who earns money for the rest of the family 赚钱养家的人2  BEWsomeone who works for wages 挣工资的人 Both wage-earners and salaried officials were protected by the new regulations. 挣工资的人和领薪俸的官员都受新法规的保护。Examples from the Corpuswage-earner• James mentioned that he had never understood why people went on strike until he became a wage-earner.• The lowest incomes were generally supplemented by charity and in many households women and children were also wage-earners.• As a result it is important to create as many wage-earners and taxpayers as possible.• With current inflation most wage-earners or salaried employees have regular increases in basic remuneration.• To Elfed, Richard was a potential wage-earner, and there he was in school, costing money not earning it.• Families without wage-earners must seek relief from government social security programs.ˈwage-ˌearner nounChineseSyllable   Corpus who someone earns money in a family




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