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单词 vitally
释义  vi·tal·ly /ˈvaɪtl-i/ adverb  IMPORTANTNEEDin a very important or necessary way 极大地,极其 A sensible diet is vitally important if you want to remain in good health. 如想保持健康,合理的饮食十分重要。Examples from the Corpusvitally• Surely a treaty vitally affecting the United Kingdom electorate's future democracy must be brought before Parliament before negotiations are concluded.• Terrorism is an issue that vitally affects the security of the United States.• We still have to wait months for payment of vitally important benefits such as the attendance allowance.• Power relationships and relationships within informal networks are vitally important in all child care work.• Hence it is vitally important that the recruitment of elites into parties or primary races should be competitive and open.• It is vitally important to get it right.• Most people probably don't realise but, with this kind of emergency treatment, time is vitally important.vitally important• We still have to wait months for payment of vitally important benefits such as the attendance allowance.• Histone is vitally important for survival.• Power relationships and relationships within informal networks are vitally important in all child care work.• The Amazonian rainforests make up one third of all rainforests and are vitally important in terms of biological diversity.• Furthermore, the job description is also vitally important so that candidates then know what is required.• It is vitally important that you follow the directions exactly.• It is vitally important to get it right.• I decide: When in doubt it's vitally important to keep moving.• You are important to me, and firsthand inquiry informs me that you are vitally important to your·tal·ly adverbChineseSyllable  a Corpus necessary very way important in or




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