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单词 viewer
释义 Word family  noun view overview preview review viewer reviewer verb view preview review  Related topics: Photographyview·er /ˈvjuːə $ -ər/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  WATCHsomeone who watches television 电视观看者,电视观众 The new series has gone down well with viewers. 这个新的电视系列片很受观众欢迎。2  someone who looks at something 观看者 In the painting, the woman has her back to the viewer. 画中的这名女子背对观看者。3. TCPa small box with a light in it used to look at slides (=colour photographs on special film) 看片器〔里面有灯、用于看幻灯片的小箱子〕Examples from the Corpusviewer• Some shows are cancelled before they get a chance to attract any viewers.• But it also means more ad clutter for the average viewer.• The Government said it would widen choice for viewers and listeners, safeguard quality programming and bring greater competition and efficiency.• Both had poor ratings in a crowded marketplace, with almost two dozen syndicated talk shows scrapping for viewers every day.• More than 15 million viewers now own a zapper.• The concert was seen by 500 million viewers around the world.• It's local news attracts more viewers than any other region.• Ulene is still surprised by the eagerness of viewers.• The networks have lost a substantial number of viewers to cable and video rentals.• Millions of television viewers tuned in to the president's speech.• He had this intuitive sense of what the viewer wanted.• The network is trying to attract younger viewers.• a programme that appeals to younger viewersFrom Longman Business Dictionaryviewerview‧er /ˈvjuːə-ər/ noun [countable] someone who watches televisionThe new series has gone down well with viewers.view·er nounChineseSyllable  someone who Business watches television Corpus




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