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单词 victory
释义  vic·to·ry /ˈvɪktəri/ ●●● W2 noun (plural victories) [countable, uncountable]  WINa situation in which you win a battle, game, election, or dispute 胜利,成功,赢 OPP defeatvictory over/against the Raiders’ 35–17 victory over St Louis 袭击者队对圣路易斯队35比17的胜利victory for The court’s decision represents a victory for all women. 法庭的判决代表了所有女性的胜利。 → Pyrrhic victory COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + victorya great/major victory 重大胜利He said the court’s decision was a great victory. 他说法庭的判决是一个重大胜利。an easy victory 轻而易举的胜利Arsenal expected an easy victory. 阿森纳预计将轻取对手。a decisive victory 决定性的胜利The battle was a decisive victory for the US. 该战役对美国来说是决定性的胜利。a landslide victory (=a win by a very large amount in an election) 〔选举中的〕压倒性胜利nNo one had anticipated such a landslide crushing victory (=a win by a very large amount)Australia won a crushing 139-run victory over the West Indies.a narrow victory (=a win by a small amount) 险胜nA general election on Oct. 5 produced a narrow victory for the People’s Progressive election/electoral victory 选举胜利nThe Democrats were celebrating their election victory.a military victory 军事胜利none of the General’s most famous military victoriesna moral victory (=when you show your beliefs are right, even if you lose the argument)The victims’ families claimed the verdict as a moral victory.verbswin/score a victory 获胜Today we have won an important victory. 今天我们取得了一个重大胜利。lead somebody to victory 带领某人获胜She led her team to victory in the finals. 她带领自己的球队打赢了决赛。clinch victory (=finally win) 最终取胜Adams scored a last-minute goal to clinch victory. 亚当斯最后一刻进球,锁定胜局。pull off a victory (=win when it is difficult) 艰难取胜nMartin pulled off a surprise victory in the semi-final.sweep to victory (=win easily) 大获全胜nNixon swept to victory by 47 million votes to 29 million.victory + NOUNvictory celebrations 祝捷活动The victory celebrations went on all night. 祝捷活动持续了整整一夜。a victory parade 胜利游行nThey intend to hold a victory victory lap (=when a winning runner or player runs around the playing area)He then took a victory lap around the arena.phrasesa string of victories (=a series of victories) 一连串胜利The team won a string of victories. 球队连连取胜。COMMON ERRORS ► Don’t say ‘get victory’ or ‘get the victory’. Say win a victory or win victory. 不要说 ‘get victory’ 或 ‘get the victory’。 而要说 win a victory 或 win victory。 THESAURUSvictory noun [countable, uncountable] a situation in which you win a battle, game, election, or dispute 〔在战斗、比赛、选举或争端中的〕胜利,成功The crowds celebrated Italy’s victory against England. 人们庆祝意大利队战胜英格兰队。The party won a comfortable victory in the general election. 该党在大选中轻松获胜。nWe’re very confident of noun [countable] a victory in a sports game or in a competition 〔在体育比赛或竞争中的〕胜利It was an important win for the Yankees. 这是扬基队至关重要的一场胜利。A couple from London are celebrating a big lottery win. 来自伦敦的一对夫妇正在庆祝赢得彩票大奖。triumph noun [countable] written an important victory, especially in war or politics 〔尤指战争中或政治方面的〕重要胜利Thatcher’s greatest triumph was becoming the UK’s first female prime minister. 撒切尔最大的胜利就是成为了英国的首位女首相。conquest noun [countable] a situation in which one country wins a war against another country and takes control of it 征服the Spanish conquest of Mexico 西班牙对墨西哥的征服nCaesar is well-known for his military conquests.landslide noun [countable] an election victory in which one party or candidate gets far more votes than their opponents 压倒性的选举胜利In 1945, there was a Labour landslide. 1945年,工党取得了压倒性胜利。walkover especially British English, cakewalk American English noun [countable] informal a very easy victory 轻易取得的胜利The match was expected to be a walkover for Brazil. 预计巴西队会轻取对手。upset noun [countable] a situation in which the person, team, party etc that was expected to win is defeated 意外的击败Truman pulled off the greatest election upset in United States history. 杜鲁门的当选成就了美国历史上的最大冷门。Examples from the Corpusvictory• Their 2-1 victory over the Australians was completely unexpected.• victory celebrations• He had won a comfortable victory in the general election.• But that does not mean he has yet won a conclusive victory in the debilitating war between president and parliament.• Florida alone provided nearly one-tenth of the 270 electoral votes required for victory, while Ohio commands 21 votes.• Perhaps this represented a human victory over inanimate forces, or perhaps man merely judged it to be so.• It looked like victory for Kleomenes.• We're very confident of victory.• The crowds were celebrating Italy's victory.• Labour's stunning victory in 1997 left the Tory party in denial about the seriousness of its situation.victory over/against• Real kept their 100 percent home record with a 3-1 victory over Espanol.• Leeds are through to the knock-out stage after a superb 4-1 victory over Anderlecht.• the Raiders' 35-17 victory over St. Louis• The 49ers want to validate their 7-1 first-half record with a victory over a worthy opponent.• He scored 24 tries, two of them in the epic Challenge Cup final victory over Hull.• The remnants of the old left hoped victory over apartheid would see the realisation of their ideals.• That is barely a third of the margin of Gore's victory over Bush.• Too often the leadership's victories over the left have had an unsavoury, pyrrhic quality.Origin victory (1300-1400) Old French victorie, from Latin victoria, from victus; → VICTORvic·to·ry noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a which in a situation you battle, game, win Corpus




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