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单词 verify
释义  ver·i·fy /ˈverɪfaɪ/ ●○○ verb (verified, verifying, verifies) [transitive] formal  1  CHECK/MAKE SUREto discover whether something is correct or true 核对,核实verify that/whether A computer program verifies that the system is working. 电脑程序可以核查系统是否在运行。 American forces will remain to verify compliance with the treaty. 美军将继续驻留,核查条约是否得到遵守。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say check rather than verify: 在日常英语中,人们通常说 check,而不说 verifyCan I just check that I have spelt your name correctly. 我就核对一下是否拼对了你的姓名,好吗?2  SAY/STATEto state that something is true 证明,证实 SYN confirm His statement was verified by several witnesses. 他的说法得到了几位证人的证实。 —verifiable adjective a verifiable fact 可核实的事实 —verification /ˌverɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ noun [countable, uncountable] automatic signature verification 自动签名验证→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusverify• The influence of rehydration rate on germination of artificially dried seed has been also verified.• Doctors have verified that the injury was indeed work-related.• The reader should trace through these two cases graphically to verify the conclusions we have outlined.• You can verify the facts in the report by calling his office.• Accountants are working to verify the figures.• Edey said it could take a week to verify those reports.verify that/whether• Thus we have verified that a transformation to a frame in free fall is always possible. 6.7.• A week after being asked, the staff of the commission said it needed more time to verify that figure.• Please verify that there is sufficient disk quota and privilege to create a file in the supplied working directory.• The reader can verify that this optimal solution is.• In the past week they have begun to verify that weapons and mines have been removed from the former fighting zone.• The company has verified that your balance is now at zero and all the charges and fees have been straightened out.Origin verify (1300-1400) Old French verifier, from Medieval Latin verificare, from Latin verus; → VERY2ver·i·fy verb →REGISTER1ChineseSyllable  is something correct whether Corpus true discover or to




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