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单词 veracity
释义  ve·ra·ci·ty /vəˈræsəti/ noun [uncountable] formal  the fact of being true or correct 真实(性);正确(性) SYN truthveracity of Has anyone checked the veracity of these allegations? 有人核实过这些说法的真实性吗?Examples from the Corpusveracity• This proposition has been the subject of much empirical debate, but at present there seems no overwhelming consensus as to its veracity.• There is no way in which he could emphasise the veracity of his testimony except by literally asserting it.• The first is whether we tend to accept too readily the veracity and accuracy of media reports.• They relate to his stock portfolio and to the veracity of statements he made to Congress.• When the MoD was the sole source of information, the press could only speculate as to the veracity of its statements.Origin veracity (1600-1700) French véracité, from Latin veracitas, from verax; → VERY2ve·ra·ci·ty nounChineseSyllable  fact of Corpus correct being or true the




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