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单词 venture
释义  Related topics: Business managementven·ture1 /ˈventʃə $ -ər/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1 BBBBUSINESSa new business activity that involves taking risks 风险项目,风险投资;冒险事业business/commercial venture 商业风投joint venture (=when two companies do something together) 合营,合资Examples from the Corpusventure• His bankruptcy was the result of several reckless business ventures.• a real-estate venture• Ford has invested $125 million in a joint venture to build engines in China.• It is difficult to formulate a standard definition of a joint venture.• Westinghouse will take a 48 percent stake in the joint venture and invest $ 2. 5 million.• Mattel would not disclose its investment in the new venture.• Local councillors can be quite obstructive to new ventures by farmers.• The group is planning to risk everything to get their next venture off the ground.• Each year we endeavour to be represented in helping in one of their fund-raising ventures.• They said the venture is being sold because the companies can import products more economically.joint venture• Some analysts also said that a joint venture with Canon is possible.• The decision point is particularly important for joint ventures projects.• United Distillers employs around 10,000 people worldwide and, with its joint ventures, an additional 1,500.• Grove touted the Pandesic joint venture software as a turnkey solution for businesses seeking to conduct sales over the Internet.• Under the joint venture the council will pay nothing, while profits will accrue to Biomass.• This joint venture between George Gibson & Co.venture2 ●○○ verb  1  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]BRAVEGO to go somewhere that could be dangerous 冒风险〔去某处〕 When darkness fell, he would venture out. 天黑以后,他就会壮着胆子出去。 She paused before venturing up the steps to the door. 她犹豫了一下,大着胆子迈上台阶,走向门口。 children who lack the confidence to venture into libraries 缺乏自信、不敢进图书馆的儿童2  [transitive]BRAVE to say or do something in an uncertain way because you are afraid it is wrong or will seem stupid 小心地说;谨慎地做 ‘You’re on holiday here?’ he ventured. “你在这里度假吗?”他试探地问道。venture to do something I ventured to ask him what he was writing. 我小心翼翼地问他在写些什么。venture an opinion/question/word etc If we had more information, it would be easier to venture a firm opinion. 如果我们有更多资料,就更容易大胆提出确定的意见了。 Roy ventured a tentative smile. 罗伊拘谨地笑了一笑。venture that I ventured that the experiment was not conclusive. 我冒昧地认为试验的结果并不确定。3. nothing ventured, nothing gainednothing gained nothing ventured RISKused to say that you cannot achieve anything unless you take risks 不入虎穴,焉得虎子4 venture into something phrasal verb to become involved in a new business activity 首次从事〔某项业务活动〕 Banks are venturing into insurance. 银行开始涉足保险业。5 venture on/upon something phrasal verb RISKto do or try something that involves risks 冒险做〔有风险或危险的事〕 I thought I might venture on a new recipe. 我想我也许可以尝试一种新的做法。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusventure• The scouts would venture ahead if there was room enough to walk, and return ashen-faced.• Sluggish gold and energy prices for most of 1995 helped explain investors' reluctance to venture into hard assets.• All experienced hillwalkers are well aware of the dangers of venturing on to the hills without being properly equipped and prepared.• Another time, a photographer had ventured on to the reef that rose up from the sea at the far corner.• Parents should teach youngsters to believe in themselves and to venture out and take risks.• But it does happen, and I venture to suggest should happen wherever there is apparently terminal decline.• However, when practising always sail in a safe, flat water environment and never venture underneath any diving boards.venture that• I had been so protected on this venture that any sense of risk had disappeared long ago.• The chairman who ventured that mild criticism was well-placed to do so.• Barneys says those stores marked the beginning of a beautiful friendship, a joint venture that only awaited a formal agreement.• The Burrs' is just the sort of tourist venture that Thamesdown Council's trying to promote.• Yet I would venture that the landscape of our country alone would justify the use of this lofty adjective.• Some even ventured that the latter were more critical.• So successful was this venture that two further houses were opened in September.From Longman Business Dictionaryventureven‧ture1 /ˈventʃə-ər/ noun [countable]COMMERCE a new business activity or project that involves taking risksShe identified potential customers for a new business venture she was evaluating. → joint ventureventureventure2 verb → venture into something→ See Verb tableOrigin venture1 (1400-1500) adventureven·ture1 nounventure2 verbChineseSyllable  new involves Business Corpus business taking that activity a




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